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Peter Reynaert

BibliographyBiographyWork & ideasLiteratureCORRESP
Copyright (1992) De onmeetbaarheid van de geest: Husserls project van een fenomenologische fundering van de geesteswetenschappen, Assen, Van Gorcum.
Copyright with Bremmers Chris, van der Heiden Gert-Jan (2018) Fenomenologie als houding, Antwerpen, Vubpress.
Open Access Link (2006) "What is it like to be embodied, naturalizing bodily self-awareness?", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Logos of phenomenology and phenomenology of the logos II: The human condition in-the-unity-of-everything-there-is-alive. individuation, self, person, self-determination, freedom, necessity, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.15-22.
Open Access Link (2010) "Subjectivité et incarnation", Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6 (8), pp.144-161.
Open Access Link (2015) "Does naturalism commit a category mistake?", Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 11 (3), pp.1-20.
Open Access Link (2009) "Embodiment and existence: Merleau-Ponty and the limits of naturalism", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology and existentialism in the twentieth century II: Fruition–cross-pollination–dissemination, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.93-104.
Open Access Link (2011) "Facticity and transcendentalism: Husserl and the problem of the "Geisteswissenschaften"", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Transcendentalism overturned: From absolute power of consciousness until the forces of cosmic architectonics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.80-93.
Open Access Link (2001) "Intersubjectivity and naturalism: Husserl's Fifth cartesian meditation revisited", Husserl Studies 17 (3), pp.207-216.
Open Access Link with Quaeghebeur Liesbet (2010) "Does the need for linguistic expression constitute a problem to be solved?", Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (1), pp.15-36.
Copyright (1987) "Edmund Husserl en de crisis van de Europese wetenschappen", in: Berghs Harry (ed), Denkwijzen 3: een inleiding in het denken van G.F.W. Hegel, F. Nietzsche, G. Frege en E. Husserl, Leuven-Amersfoort, Acco, pp. 111-136.
Copyright (1992) "Edmund Husserl, van de transcendentale fundering van de intersubjectiviteit naar de oorspronkelijkheid van het sociale", in: Commers Ronald (ed), Acta filosofiedag 1990 Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Delft, Eburon, pp. 1922.
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