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(Lebenswelt). Understanding life means, first and foremost, understanding the life of spirit (Geist). Spirit shares at least two significant features with life felt from within: (i) it is creative beyond all predictability; (ii) it exemplifies an immediate presence to self. Indeed, the main source that Husserl drew on in developing his concept of life-world was Dilthey. Husserl acknowledged, moreover, that however significant it may be, the concept of life-world is intrinsically obscure and vague.1 Arguably, Husserl's life-world is an echo of the fashionable Lebensphilosophie of the early twentieth century, of which Rickert said ironically that its main character was Prinzipienlosigkeit, the unscrupulous absence of principle which was thought to do justice to the inherent, immediate and concrete dynamism of life." />
pp. 223-244
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