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Elmar Holenstein
Swiss philosopher, specialised in philosophical psychology, philosophy of language and cultural philosophy. After a PhD on Husserl written in Leuven, he worked with Roman Jakobson at Harvard and Joseph Greenberg at Stanford. He was professor of philosophy at the Ruhr University in Bochum (1977-1990) and the ETH Zürich (1990-2002). He is known in particular for his interpretation of Jakobson's linguistics as a "phenomenological structuralism" and for his visual "Atlas of Philosophy".
Edited by Simone Aurora, Lorenzo Cigana
By revealing the "invariants" of Elmar Holenstein's acclaimed contribution to the philosophy of language, the present volume will allow its readers to discover not only a conceptual apparatus that provides effective tools for dealing with contemporary discussions on central issues such as the structure of language, the nature of the sign, the functioning of cognition or the role of perceptual experience, but also a set of original ideas and theoretical proposals that suggest viable solutions to the above-mentioned discussions. All these solutions revolve around a precise philosophical idea or methodological approach, namely phenomenological structuralism, which emerges as a “Gestalt quality” of sorts out of the present collection of papers.
Aurora Simone; Cigana Lorenzo
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar; Benatti Roberto
Holenstein Elmar
Holenstein Elmar
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