Adolf Bernhard Philipp Reinach
Described by Hedwig Conrad-Martius as "the phenomenologist in itself and as such", Reinach was a central figure of the early phenomenological movement, and a proponent of the realist phenomenology of the Munich Circle. His background consisted of a tripartite education: descriptive psychology (under Theodor Lipps), law (in Munich and Tübingen), and philosophy (under Husserl). Examples of the integration of all three of these aspects of his thought include his articles "The Apriori Foundations of Civil Law," "Toward the Theory of Negative Judgment," "On the Concept of Causality in the Criminal Law", and in his immense, continued interest in speech acts, states of affairs (Sachverhalt), and material necessity. Reinach died on the battlefield of WWI.
(1905) Über den Ursachenbegriff im geltenden Strafrecht, Leipzig, Barth.
(1910) "William James und der Pragmatismus", Welt und Wissen. Hannoversche Blätter für Kunst, Literatur und Leben 198, pp.45-65.
(1911) "Die obersten Regeln der Vernunftschlüsse bei Kant", Kant-Studien 16, pp.214-233.
(1911) "Kants Auffassung des Humeschen Problems", Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik 141, pp.176-209.
(1911) "Zur Theorie des negativen Urteils", in: Pfänder Alexander (ed), Münchener Philosophische Abhandlungen: Theodor Lipps zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet von früheren Schülern, Leipzig, Barth, pp.196-254.
(1912) "Die Überlegung; ihre ethische und rechtliche Bedeutung", Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik 148, pp.181-196.
(1913) "Die Überlegung; ihre ethische und rechtliche Bedeutung (Schluss)", Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik 149, pp.30-58.
with Husserl Edmund, Pfänder Alexander, Geiger Moritz, Scheler Max Ferdinand (1913) "Vorwort", Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung 1 (1), pp.V-VI.
(1914) "Paul Natorps Allgemeine Psychologie nach kritischer Methode", Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen 176, pp.193-214.
(1921) Gesammelte Schriften (edited by Stein Edith), Halle (Saale), Niemeyer.
(1921) "Über das Wesen der Bewegung", in: Reinach Adolf, Gesammelte Schriften, Halle (Saale), Niemeyer, pp.407-461.
(1921) "Vortrag über Phänomenologie", in: Reinach Adolf, Gesammelte Schriften, Halle (Saale), Niemeyer, pp.379-405.
(1928) Genshôgaku ni tsuite, Tokyo, Iwanamishoten.
(1934) Los fundamentos aprioristicos del derecho civil, Barcelona, Libreria Bosch.
(1951) Was ist Phänomenologie?, München, Kösel.
(1966) "What is phenomenology?", Philosophical Forum 1, pp.231-256.
(1968) "What is phenomenology?", The Philosophical Forum 1 (2), pp.234-256.
(1969) "Concerning phenomenology", The Personalist 50 (2), pp.194-211.
(1973) "Bruchstück einer religionsphilosophischen Ausführung: Struktur des Erlebnisses - skeptische Erwägungen", in: Brettler Lucinda Vandervort, The phenomenology of Adolf Reinach: Chapters in the theory of knowledge and legal philosophy, Montreal, McGill University, pp.250-251.
(1973) "Fragment of a treatise on the philosophy of religion", in: Brettler Lucinda Vandervort, The phenomenology of Adolf Reinach: Chapters in the theory of knowledge and legal philosophy, Montreal, McGill University, pp.248-249.
(1973) "On the phenomenology of premonitions", in: Brettler Lucinda Vandervort, The phenomenology of Adolf Reinach: Chapters in the theory of knowledge and legal philosophy, Montreal, McGill University, pp.242-44.
(1973) "Zur Phänomenologie der Ahnungen", in: Brettler Lucinda Vandervort, The phenomenology of Adolf Reinach: Chapters in the theory of knowledge and legal philosophy, Montreal, McGill University, pp.245-247.
(1976) "Kant's interpretation of Hume's problem", Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (2), pp.161-188.
(1981) "A contribution toward the theory of the negative judgment", Aletheia. An International Journal of Philosophy 2, pp.9-64.
(1982) "On the theory of the negative judgement", in: Smith Barry (ed), Parts and moments: Studies in logic and formal ontology, München, Philosophia, pp.315-377.
(1983) "The apriori foundations of the civil law", Aletheia. An International Journal of Philosophy 3, pp.xxxii-142.
(1986) Introducción a la fenomenología, Madrid, Encuentro.
(1986) Introduction a la fenomenología, Madrid, Encuentro.
(1987) "William James and pragmatism", in: Mulligan Kevin (ed), Speech act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the foundations of realist phenomenology, Dordrecht, Nijhoff, pp.291-298.
(1989) "Qu'est-ce que la phénoménologie?", Philosophie 21, pp.37-60.
(1989) Sämtliche Werke: I. Die Werke (edited by Schuhmann Karl, Smith Barry), München, Philosophia.
(1989) Sämtliche Werke: 2. Kommentar und Textkritik (edited by Smith Barry; Schuhmann Karl), München, Philosophia.
(1990) I fondamenti a priori del diritto civile, Milano, Giuffrè.
(1994) "The supreme rules of rational inference in Kant", Aletheia. An International Journal of Philosophy 6, pp.70-97.
(1997) Teoría del juicio negativo, Madrid, Universidad Complutense, Facultad de Filosofía.
(2001) Sobranie sočinenij (edited by Kurennoj Vitalij), Moskva, Dom intellektual'noj knigi.
(2004) "Concerning phenomenology", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy I: Central tendencies and concepts, London, Routledge, pp.63-83.
(2004) Les fondements a priori du droit civil, Paris, Vrin.
(2005) "O fenomenologii", Fenomenologia. Pismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Fenomenologicznego 3 (3), pp.117-137.
(2007) Anotaciones sobre filosofía de la religión, Madrid, Encuentro.
(2008) La visione delle idee: il metodo del realismo fenomenologico, Macerata, Quodlibet.
(2009) Aprioryczne podstawy prawa cywilnego, Kraków, Aureus.
(2009) "On the concept of causality in the criminal law", Libertarian Papers 1, pp.1-40.
(2010) Los fundamentos "a priori" del derecho civil, Granada, Comares.
(2012) Phénoménologie réaliste, Paris, Vrin.
(2014) Sobre fenomenología, Madrid, Encuentro.
(2015) La premeditación: su significación ética y jurídica, Madrid, Encuentro.
(2015) "Nesocialna in socialna dejanja", Phainomena 94-95, pp.99-107.
(2016) "A phenomenology of foreboding/foreseeing", in: Kelly Michael R, Harding Brian (ed), Early phenomenology: Metaphysics, ethics, and the philosophy of religion, London, Bloomsbury, pp.25-28.
(2017) "The Ambiguity of the Concept of Essence (1912/13)", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 15, pp.299-303.
(2017) Three Texts on Ethics (edited by Lebech Mette, Smith James), München, Philosophia.