Figures of Structuralism

Despite the immense interest structuralism once gave rise to, a surprisingly large part of its essential texts and authors have to this day remained little known or studied. In order to compensate this deficit and to offer a much more exhaustive, panoramic vision of structuralism, of its history and its actors, the series "figures of structuralism" intends to give a voice to all its contributors through the edition, for each of them, of a collected volume of their most relevant texts. As such, it also hopes to accompany the vast effort of translation and reedition of the forgotten texts of structuralism undertaken more generally by sdvig press.


Ecrits sur le langage

Pos Hendrik



Essais et communications sur le langage

Hjelmslev Louis



Ausgewählte Schriften

Aurora Simone

in print


  • Patrick Flack


  • Jörn Albrecht
  • Michel Arrivé
  • Natalja Avtonomova
  • Tomáš Glanc
  • Tomáš Hoskovec
  • Mihhail Lotman
  • Michał Mrugalski
  • Herman Parret
  • Christian Puech
  • François Rastier
  • Patrick Sériot
  • Michael Silverstein
  • Beata Stawarska
  • Klaas Willems