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Craig Brandist
with Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte (2004) From Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: Meaning in language, art and new media, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
(2015) Studies in East European Thought 67 (3-4).
(2008) Studies in East European Thought 60 (4).
with Tihanov Galin (2000) Materializing Bakhtin: the Bakhtin circle and social theory, Dordrecht, Springer.
with Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte (2004) Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: meaning in language, art and new media, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
(2016) The dimensions of hegemony: language, culture and politics in revolutionary Russia, Chicago, Haymarket Books.
(2002) The Bakhtin circle: philosophy, culture and politics, London, Pluto.
with Shepherd David, Tihanov Galin (2004) The Bakhtin circle: in the master's absence, Manchester, Manchester University Press.
with Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte (2004) "Introduction: Thinking culture dialogically", in: Brandist Craig, Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte (ed), From Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: Meaning in language, art and new media, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-19.
(2004) "Law and the genres of discourse: The Bakhtin circle's theory of language and the phenomenology of right", in: Brandist Craig, Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte (ed), From Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: Meaning in language, art and new media, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.23-45.
(2009) "Problems of sense, significance, and validity in the work of Shpet and the Bakhtin circle", in: Tihanov Galin (ed), Gustav Shpet's contribution to philosophy and cultural theory, West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, pp.192-206.
(2016) "Reflections on the work of R. O. Šor: Materials from institutional archives", Cahiers de l'ILSL 47, pp.71-84.
(2003) "The origins of Soviet sociolinguistics", Journal of Sociolinguistics 7 (2), pp.213-231.
(2006) "The rise of Soviet sociolinguistics from the ashes of Völkerpsychologie", Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 17 (3), pp.261-277.
(2017) "Varieties of ideology critique in early Soviet literary and oriental scholarship", Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki 47 (2), pp.53-68.
(2015) "Introduction: the "Bakhtin Circle' in its own time and ours", Studies in East European Thought 67 (3-4), pp.123-128.
(2015) "The eastern side of the circle: the contribution of Mikhail Tubjanskij", Studies in East European Thought 67 (3-4), pp.209-228.
(2011) "Semantic palaeontology and the passage from myth to science and poetry: the work of Izrail' Frank-Kamenetskij (1880–1937)", Studies in East European Thought 63 (1), pp.43-61.
(2008) "Language and its social functions in early Soviet thought", Studies in East European Thought 60 (4), pp.279-283.
(2004) Review: , , Studies in East European Thought 56 (1), pp.82-84.
with Tihanov Galin (2000) "Introduction: appropriation in history", in: Brandist Craig; Tihanov Galin (ed), Materializing Bakhtin: the Bakhtin circle and social theory, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-2.
(2000) "Bakhtin, Marxism and Russian populism", in: Brandist Craig; Tihanov Galin (ed), Materializing Bakhtin: the Bakhtin circle and social theory, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.70-93.
with Bostad Finn, Evensen Lars, Faber Hege Charlotte (2004) "Introduction: thinking culture dialogically", in: Bostad Finn; Brandist Craig; Evensen Lars; Faber Hege Charlotte (ed), Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: meaning in language, art and new media, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-19.
(2004) "Law and the genres of discourse: the Bakhtin circle's theory of language and the phenomenology of right", in: Bostad Finn; Brandist Craig; Evensen Lars; Faber Hege Charlotte (ed), Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: meaning in language, art and new media, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.23-45.
(2018) "From Indo-European philology to the Bakhtin circle", in: Bandlamudi Lakshmi; Ramakrishnan E. V. (ed), Bakhtinian explorations of Indian culture: pluralism, dogma and dialogue through history, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.21-36.
(2006) "The place of the institute for the comparative history of the literatures and languages of the West and East (ILIaZV)", in: Szczukin Vasili (ed), Bachtin, Europa, Wiek Dwudziesty, Kraków, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp.73-83.
(2023) "From literary theory to cultural studies", in: Mrugalski Michał; Schahadat Schamma; Wutsdorff Irina (ed), Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West, Berlin, de Gruyter, pp.821-832.
(2007) "The Vygotsky and Bakhtin circles: explaining the convergence", in: Alanen Riika; Poyhonen Sari (ed), Language in action: Vygotsky and Leontievian legacy today, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp.79-100.
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