Claude Lévi-Strauss
French anthropologist and ethnologist whose work was key in the development of the theory of structuralism and structural anthropology.[4] He held the Chair of Social Anthropology at the Collège de France between 1959 and 1982 and was elected a member of the Académie française in 1973. He received numerous honors from universities and institutions throughout the world and has been called, alongside James George Frazer and Franz Boas,[5] the "father of modern anthropology". (Wikipedia)
BibliographyBiographyWork & ideasLiteratureCORRESPALLBOOKSBOOKEDARTJRNLBYTITLECHRONOANTICHRONO- (1945) "L'analyse structurale en linguistique et en anthropologie", Word 1 (1), pp.33-53.
- (1949) "La Geste d'Asdival", Annuaire de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section de Sciences religieuses 1948-1949, pp.30-31.
- (1949) Les règles élémentaires de la parenté, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
- (1951) "Language and the analysis of social laws", American Anthropologist 53 (2), pp.155-163.
- (1953) Results of the conference of anthropologists and linguistics, Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Linguistics Club.
- (1958) Anthropologie structurale, Paris, Plon.
- (1960) "La structure et la forme: réflexions sur un ouvrage de Vladimir Propp", Cahiers de l'Institut de Science Économique Appliquée 9, pp.3-36.
- with Jakobson Roman (1962) ""Les Chats" de Charles Baudelaire", L'Homme 2 (1), pp.5-21.
- (1962) La pensée sauvage, Paris, Plon.
- (1963) "Réponses à quelques questions", Esprit 31, pp.628-653.
- (1964) Mythologiques I: Le cru et le cuit, Paris, Plon.
- (1965) "Elogio dell'antropologia", aut aut 88, pp.7-41.
- (1966) The savage mind, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- (1969) Entretiens avec Georges Charbonnier, Paris, Dix/Dix-huit.
- (1969) Introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss, London, Routledge.
- (1969) The elementary structures of kinship, Boston, Beacon Press.
- with Jakobson Roman (1970) "Charles Baudelaire 'Les Chats'", in: Lane Michael (ed), Introduction to structuralism, New York, Basic Books, pp.202-221.
- (1970) "Les champignons dans la culture", L'Homme 10 (1), pp.5-16.
- (1971) "Roman Jakobson: histoire d'une amitié", Le Monde 10 (16).
- (1973) Anthropologie structurale II, Paris, Plon.
- (1973) "Structuralism and ecology", Social science information 12 (1), pp.7-23.
- (1974) Discours prononcés dans la séance publique tenue par l’Académie française pour la réception de M. Claude Lévi-Strauss le jeudi 27 juin 1974, Paris, Institut de France.
- (1975) La voie des Masques, Genève, Skira.
- (1976) "Préface", in: Jakobson Roman, Six leçons sur le son et le sens, Paris, Editions de Minuit, pp.7-18.
- (1977) Strukturale Anthropologie I, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.
- (1978) "On Merleau-Ponty", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 7 (2), pp.179-188.
- (1978) "Structuralism and ecology", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 7 (2), pp.153-178.
- (1983) Structural anthropology, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- (1986) "Begegnungen mit Merleau-Ponty", in: Waldenfels Bernhard, Métraux Alexandre (ed), Leibhaftige Vernunft: Spuren von Merleau-Pontys Denken, München, Fink, pp.29-36.
- with Eribon Didier (1990) De près et de loin, Paris, Seuil.
- (1992) Strukturale Anthropologie II, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.
- (1999) Traurige Tropen, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.
- (2001) Das wilde Denken, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.
- (2012) Tristes tropiques, New York, Penguin.
- with Jakobson Roman (2018) Correspondance, 1942-1982 (edited by Loyer Emmanuelle; Maniglier Patrice), Paris, Seuil.