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Antonio Calcagno
(2007) The philosophy of Edith Stein, Pittsburgh, Duquesne University Press.
(2014) Lived experience from the inside out: Social and political philosophy in Edith Stein, Pittsburgh, Duquesne University Press.
(2016) Edith Stein: women, social- political philosophy, theology, metaphysics and public history: New approaches and applications, Dordrecht, Springer.
Cassirer Ernst (2013) The Warburg years (1919-1933): Essays on language, art, myth, and technology (edited by Calcagno Antonio, Lofts Steve G), New Haven, Yale University Press.
with Enns Diane (2007) Symposium 11 (1).
(2018) Gerda Walther's phenomenology of sociality, psychology, and religion, Dordrecht, Springer.
with Reyes-Gacitúa Eva (2020) Edith Stein's "An investigation concerning the state": sociality, nationhood, ethics, Dordrecht, Springer.
with Miron Ronny (2022) Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein: philosophical encounters and divides, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London, Springer.
(1998) "Actio, passio et creatio in the Endliche und ewige Philosophie of Edith Stein", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology of life and the human creative condition: Laying down the cornerstones of the field, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.369-386.
(1999) "Fluctus, gravitas et inertia", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Life scientific philosophy, phenomenology of life and the sciences of life: Ontopoiesis of life and the human creative condition, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.49-67.
with Enns Diane (2007) "Introduction: a tribute", Symposium 11 (1), pp.1-4.
(2007) "On the rates of differentiation", Symposium 11 (1), pp.15-31.
(2016) Review: Dermot Moran; Rodney Parker; , Early phenomenology, Phenomenological Reviews 2, pp.45.
(2018) "Gerda Walther and the possibility of a non-intentional We of community", in: Calcagno Antonio (ed), Gerda Walther's phenomenology of sociality, psychology, and religion, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.57-70.
(2003) Review: , , Husserl Studies 19 (3), pp.243-244.
(2016) "A place for the role of community in the structure of the state: Edith Stein and Edmund Husserl", Continental Philosophy Review 49 (4), pp.403-416.
(2009) "Foucault and Derrida: the question of empowering and disempowering the author", Human Studies 32 (1), pp.33-51.
(2017) "The role of identification in experiencing community: Edith Stein, empathy, and Max Scheler", in: Magrì Elisa; Moran Dermot (ed), Empathy, sociality, and personhood: essays on Edith Stein's phenomenological investigations, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.143-159.
(2018) "Edith Stein and Gerda Walther: the role of empathy in experiencing community", in: Luft Sebastian; Hagengruber Ruth (ed), Women phenomenologists on social ontology: we-experiences, communal life, and joint action, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.3-18.
(2016) "Introduction: the wide-ranging impact of Edith Stein's thought—new approaches, applications, and insights", in: Calcagno Antonio (ed), Edith Stein: women, social- political philosophy, theology, metaphysics and public history: New approaches and applications, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-8.
(2019) "From consciousness to being: Edith Stein's philosophy and its reception in North America", in: Ferri Michela Beatrice; Ierna Carlo (ed), The reception of Husserlian phenomenology in North America, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.417-431.
(2017) "Edith Stein's second account of empathy and its philosophical implications", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 38 (1), pp.131-147.
with Reeve Pamela J. (2010) "Introducing…Vittorio Hösle", Symposium 14 (1), pp.3-21.
(2008) "Introduction: rethinking the one and the many with Badiou", Symposium 12 (2), pp.3-5.
(2001) "Alain Finkielkraut: the coming undone of a thoughtful culture?", Symposium 5 (2), pp.183-196.
(2012) "Gerda Walther: on the possibility of a passive sense of community and the inner time consciousness of community", Symposium 16 (2), pp.89-105.
with Manganaro Patrizia (2011) "Edith Stein o dell'armonia. esistenza, pensiero, fede", Symposium 15 (1), pp.224-231.
(2010) "Thine own self: individuality in Edith Stein's later writings", Symposium 14 (2), pp.210-214.
(2015) Review: , , American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 89 (1), pp.153-156.
(2022) "Gerda Walther and the necessity of personhood for mystical experience", Phenomenological Investigations 2, pp.113-134.
(2022) "The constitutive roles of the heart and heartlessness for personhood in Edith Stein and Gerda Walther", in: Steinbock Anthony (ed), Phenomenology and perspectives of the heart, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.51-68.
(2021) "Rethinking challenges to concepts of personhood: Roberto Esposito and Edith Stein", in: Klueting Harm; Klueting Edeltraud (ed), Edith Stein's itinerary: phenomenology, Christian philosophy, and Carmelite spirituality, Münster, Aschendorff, pp.261-270.
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