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John Sallis
(1970) Heidegger and the path of thinking, Pittsburgh, Duquesne University Press.
with Risser James (2012) Research in Phenomenology 42 (2).
(1981) Merleau-Ponty, perception, structure, language: A collection of essays, New York, Humanities Press.
(2016) The return of nature, Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press.
(2017) Plato's Statesman: Dialectic, myth, and politics, Albany, SUNY Press.
(1964) The concept of world: A study in the phenomenological ontology of Martin Heidegger, New Orleans, Tulane University.
with Moneta Giuseppina, Taminiaux Jacques (1988) The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, the first ten years, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1983) Continental philosophy in America, Pittsburgh, Duquesne University Press.
(1983) Husserl and contemporary thought, New York, Humanities Press.
(1987) Deconstruction and philosophy: The texts of Jacques Derrida, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
(1993) Reading Heidegger: Commemorations, Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press.
(1973) Phenomenology and the return to beginnings, Pittsburgh, Duquesne University Press.
with Arrington Robert L, Burkholder Peter M., Dubose Shannon (1967) Philosophical logic, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2018) Elemental discourses, Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press.
(2019) The logos of the sensible world: Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological philosophy (edited by Rojcewicz Richard), Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press.
with Cormier Ramona, Feibleman James K., Lee Harold N., Weiss Donald H. (1969) Epistemology II, Dordrecht, Springer.
with Denker Alfred, Heinz Marion (2005) Heidegger Jahrbuch 2.
with Mohanty Jithendra Nath (1987) Phenomenology, descriptive or hermeneutic?, Pittsburgh, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.
(2020) Chorology: on beginnning in Plato's Timaeus, Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press.
(1982) "The identities of the things themselves", Research in Phenomenology 12, pp.113-126.
(1991) "Response to Kenneth Maly", Philosophy Today 35 (2), pp.209-211.
(2002) "On art, image, and representation", Continental Philosophy Review 35 (1), pp.77-86.
(2002) "Speaking of light and shining", Continental Philosophy Review 35 (1), pp.97-102.
with Pasanen Outi (1997) "An interview with John Sallis: double truths", Man and World 30 (1), pp.107-114.
(1989) "Radical hermeneutics: repetition, deconstruction, and the hermeneutic project", Man and World 22 (2), pp.251-256.
(1989) "Moving on: rejoinder", Man and World 22 (2), pp.261-261.
(1976) "Fichte and the problem of system", Man and World 9 (1), pp.75-90.
(1969) "Nietzsche's homecoming", Man and World 2 (1), pp.108-116.
with Wagner Helmut R (1979) "Short reviews", Human Studies 2 (1), pp.357-365.
(1992) "Spacing imagination", in: Sars Paul; Bremmers Chris; Boey Koen (ed), Eros and Eris: contributions to a hermeneutical phenomenology liber amicorum for adriaan Peperzak, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.201-215.
(1988) "Time out...", in: Sallis John; Moneta Giuseppina; Taminiaux Jacques (ed), The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, the first ten years, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.139-147.
(1984) "The identities of the things themselves", in: Cho Kah-Kyung (ed), Philosophy and science in phenomenological perspective, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.183-194.
(1967) "The problem of judgment in Husserl's later thought", Tulane studies in philosophy 16, pp.129-152.
(1967) "Phenomenology of language", The Personalist 48, pp.490-508.
(1970-1971) "Time, subjectivity and the phenomenology of perception", The modern schoolman 48, pp.343-357.
(1971) "On the limitations of transcendental reflection, or is inter subjectivity transcendental?", The Monist 55, pp.312-333.
(1972) "On the ideal of phenomenology", in: Embree Lester (ed), Lifeworld and consciousness: Essays for Aron Gurwitsch, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press, pp. 125-133.
(1975) "Image and phenomenon", Research in Phenomenology 5, pp.61-75.
(1994) "The question of origin", Southern Journal of Philosophy 32, pp.1994.
(1989) "L'espacement de l'imagination", in: Escoubas Éliane; Richir Marc (ed), Husserl, Grenoble, Millon, pp. 65-88.
(1995) "Intentionnalité et imagination", in: Janicaud Dominique (ed), L'intentionnalité en question entre phénoménologie et recherches cognitives, Paris, Vrin, pp. 87-107.
(2003) "Le lieu de l'étonnement", Noesis 6, pp.99-134.
(1967) "La différence ontologique et l'unité de la pensée de Heidegger", Revue philosophique de Louvain 65 (86), pp.192-206.
(2014) "Antichissime memorie: Le immagini recondite di Mimmo Paladino", Rivista di estetica 55 (supplemento), pp.77-100.
(1973) "Language and reversal", in: Ballard Edward; Scott Charles E (ed), Martin Heidegger: in Europe and America, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.129-145.
(1987) "Introduction", in: Mohanty Jithendra Nath; Sallis John (ed), Phenomenology, descriptive or hermeneutic?, Pittsburgh, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.
(2007) "Derniers mots : générosité et réserve", Revue de métaphysique et de morale 53, pp.33-45 .
(1985) "Meaning adrift", Heidegger Studies 1, pp.91-100.
() "Of the Χώρα", Epoché 2, pp.1-12.
(2002) "Φρόνησισ in Hades and beyond", Epoché 7 (1), pp.121-131.
(2009) "Speaking of the earth: figures of transport in the Phaedo", Epoché 13 (2), pp.365-376.
(2009) "In the open of the question", Epoché 13 (2), pp.415-420.
(2017) "From abode to dissemination", Epoché 22 (1), pp.19-28.
(2017) "The span of memory: on Plato's Theaetetus", Epoché 21 (2), pp.321-333.
(2012) "Once again: what's the matter with "nature"?", Epoché 17 (1), pp.155-166.
(2019) "Dramatic philosophy", Epoché 23 (2), pp.471-476.
(2017) "The negativity of time-space", Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 7, pp.17-39.
(2011) "Exorbitant logic", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 32 (1), pp.127-144.
() "Platonism at the limit of metaphysics", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19-20, pp.299-314.
(2006) "Powers of reason and sites of recourse", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 6, pp.21-31.
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