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Kevin Mulligan
(1987) Speech act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the foundations of realist phenomenology, Dordrecht, Nijhoff.
(1980) Representation and ontology in austro-German philosophy, Manchester, University of Manchester.
(1990) Mind, meaning and metaphysics: The philosophy and theory of language of Anton Marty, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer.
with Cometti Jean-Pierre (2001) La Philosophie autrichienne de Bolzano à Musil: Histoire et Actualité, Paris, Vrin.
with Baertschi Bernard (2002) Les nationalismes, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
with Baertschi Bernard (2010) Nationalismele, Bucharest, Nemira.
with Placek Tomasz (2014) The history and philosophy of Polish logic: essays in honour of Jan Woleński, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2012) Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande, Paris, Vrin.
(1984) "Wie die Sachen sich zueinander verhalten inside and outside the Tractatus", in: Brian McGuinness; Aldo Gargani; (ed), Wittgenstein and contemporary philosophy, Pisa, ETS, pp.145-174.
with Simons Peter, Smith Barry (1984) "Truth-makers", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44, pp.287-321.
(1988) "On structure: Bühler's linguistic and psychological examples", in: Eschbach Achim (ed), Karl Bühler's Theory of Language: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Kirchberg, August 26, 1984 and Essen, November 21-24 1984, Amsterdam, Benjamins, pp.203-228.
with Smith Barry (1982) "Pieces of a theory", in: Smith Barry (ed), Parts and moments: Studies in logic and formal ontology, München, Philosophia, pp.15-109.
(1990) "Preface", in: Mulligan Kevin (ed), Mind, meaning and metaphysics: The philosophy and theory of language of Anton Marty, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.xi.
(1990) "Marty's philosophical grammar", in: Mulligan Kevin (ed), Mind, meaning and metaphysics: The philosophy and theory of language of Anton Marty, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.11-28.
with Schuhmann Karl (1990) "Two letters from Marty to Husserl", in: Mulligan Kevin (ed), Mind, meaning and metaphysics: The philosophy and theory of language of Anton Marty, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.225-236.
(1987) "Preface", in: Mulligan Kevin (ed), Speech act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the foundations of realist phenomenology, Dordrecht, Nijhoff, pp.vii.
(1987) "Promisings and other social acts: Their constituents and structure", in: Mulligan Kevin (ed), Speech act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the foundations of realist phenomenology, Dordrecht, Nijhoff, pp.29-90.
(1980) "Structures and rules in Husserl and Wittgenstein", in: Haller Rudolf; Grassl Wolfgang (ed), Language, logic and philosophy/Sprache, Logik und Philosophie: Proceedings of the 4th international Wittgenstein symposium, 28th August to 2nd September 1979, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria), Wien, Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, pp.461-464.
with Smith Barry (1986) "Edmund Husserl's Logical investigations", Grazer Philosophische Studien 27, pp.199-207.
with Smith Barry (1986) "A Husserlian theory of indexicality", Grazer Philosophische Studien 28, pp.133-163.
with Smith Barry (1986) "A relational theory of the act", Topoi 5, pp.115-130.
(1989) "Husserl on states of affairs in the Logical investigations", Epistemologia 12, pp.207-234.
(1991) "How not to read: Derrida on Husserl", Topoi 10, pp.199208.
(1995) "Perception", in: Smith Barry; Smith David Woodruff (ed), The Cambridge companion to Husserl, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 168-238.
(1990) "Las situaciones objetivas en las Investigaciones lógicas de E. Husserl", Revista de filosofía (Madrid) 3 , pp.23-48.
with Gerrans Philip (2013) "Immaginazione, Default Thinking e incorporamento", Rivista di estetica 53, pp.55-87.
with Gerrans Philip (2013) "Immaginazione, Default thinking e incorporamento", Rivista di estetica 54, pp.239-271.
(2006) "Husserl sur les "Logiques" de la valorisation, des valeurs et des normes", Philosophia Scientiae 10 (1), pp.71-107.
(2016) "Persons and acts – collective and social. from ontology to politics", in: Salice Alessandro; Schmid Hans Bernhard (ed), The phenomenological approach to social reality: History, concepts, problems, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.17-45.
with Richardson Alan, Sauer Werner, Lehrer Keith, Marek Johann Christian, Padilla Gálvez Jesús, Earman John, Norton John D., Breuer Thomas (1999) "Reviews", in: Greenberger Daniel; Zeilinger Anton (ed), Epistemological and experimental perspectives on quantum physics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.347-363.
(2018) "Early analytic philosophy's austrian dimensions", in: Coliva Annalisa; Leonardi Paolo; Moruzzi Sebastiano (ed), Eva Picardi on language, analysis and history, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.7-29.
(2013) "Acceptance, acknowledgment, affirmation, agreement, assertion, belief, certainty, conviction, denial, judgment, refusal and rejection", in: Textor Mark (ed), Judgement and truth in early analytic philosophy and phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.97-136.
with Kijania-Placek Katarzyna, Placek Tomasz (2014) "Introduction: the history and philosophy of Polish logic", in: Mulligan Kevin; Placek Tomasz (ed), The history and philosophy of Polish logic: essays in honour of Jan Woleński, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-10.
(2014) "Formal concepts", in: Mulligan Kevin; Placek Tomasz (ed), The history and philosophy of Polish logic: essays in honour of Jan Woleński, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.205-223.
(2017) "Colours: Wittgenstein vs (Katz & Bühler)", in: Silva Marcos (ed), How colours matter to philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.125-136.
(2019) "Misleading pictures, temptations and meta-philosophies: Marty and Wittgenstein", in: Bacigalupo Giuliano; Leblanc Hélène (ed), Anton Marty and contemporary philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.197-232.
(2003) "Dispositions, their bases and correlates—Meinong's analysis", in: Hintikka Jaakko; Czarnecki Tadeusz; Placek Tomasz; Rojszczak Artur (ed), Philosophy and logic in search of the Polish tradition: essays in honour of jan Woleński on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.193-211.
(1991) "Colours, corners and complexity: Meinong and Wittgenstein on some internal relations", in: Spohn Wolfgang; Skyrms Brian; van Fraassen Bas C (ed), Existence and explanation: essays presented in honor of Karel Lambert, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.77-101.
(2016) "Foolishness and the value of knowledge", in: Zaibert Leo (ed), The theory and practice of ontology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.241-268.
(1999) "Perception, particulars and predicates", in: Fisette Denis (ed), Consciousness and intentionality: models and modalities of attribution, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.163-194.
(1997) "The essence of language: Wittgenstein's builders and Bühler's bricks", Revue de métaphysique et de morale 102 (2), pp.193-216.
(1997) "Das Wesen der Sprache: Wittgensteins Maurer und Bühlers Bausteine", Brentano Studien 7, pp.267-290.
(2017) "Incorrect emotions in ancient, Austrian & contemporary philosophy", Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger 142 (4), pp.491-512 .
with Smith Barry (1984) "Traditional vs. analytic philosophy", Grazer Philosophische Studien 21, pp.193-202.
(2016) "Perception", in: Smith Barry; Smith David Woodruff (ed), The Cambridge companion to Husserl, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 168-238.
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