Ludger Hagedorn
Ludger Hagedorn studied Philosophy and Slavic Languages in Berlin at the Technical University (TU) and the Free University (FU). He obtained his doctoral degree from TU Berlin in 2002. For many years he has been actively involved in Patočka-Research at the IWM, where he was appointed as a Junior Fellow in 1997 and later became a Research Associate and Research Director. From 2005 to 2009, Hagedorn was holder of the Purkyne-Fellowship awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences. As a lecturer, he has worked at Gutenberg-University Mainz and, for a number of years, at Charles University in Prague. He has also been a Guest Lecturer at Södertörns Högskola (Stockholm) in 2010 and in recent years at NYU Berlin.
Religion, War and the Crisis of Modernity. A Special Issue Dedicated to the Philosophy of Jan Patočka, , with Dodd James, .
Patočka Jan (2006) Andere Wege in die Moderne: Studien zur europäischen Ideengeschichte von der Renaissance bis zur Romantik, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann.
Patočka Jan (1999) Texte, Dokumente, Bibliographie (edited by Sepp Hans Rainer, Hagedorn Ludger), Freiburg-München, Alber.
with Marinescu Paul (2017) Meta 9 (2).
with Sternad Christian (2018) Metodo 6 (2).
(2002) Tschechische Philosophen: Klíma, Rádl, Patočka, Havel, Kosík, Berlin, Deutscher Verlag.
with Staudigl Michael (2018) Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17 (2).
with Staudigl Michael (2008) Überzivilisation und Differenz: Beiträge zu einer politischen Phänomenologie Europas, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann.
with Sepp Hans Rainer (2006) Andere Wege in die Moderne: Forschungsbeiträge zu Patočkas Genealogie der Neuzeit, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann.
with Staudigl Michael (2008) Über Zivilisation und Differenz: Beiträge zu einer politischen Phänomenologie Europas, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann.
(2010) "Jan Patočka (1907-1977)", in: Sepp Hans Rainer, Embree Lester (ed), Handbook of phenomenological aesthetics, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London, Springer, pp.255-258.
(2002) "Nomon - Mythos - Krisis: Jan Patočkas existentialistische Deutung der "Antigone"", in: Sepp Hans Rainer, Trinks Jürgen (ed), Literatur als Phänomenalisierung: Phänomenologische Deutungen literarischer Werke, Wien, Turia & Kant, pp.169-188.
(2015) "Christianity un-thought: a reconsideration of myth, faith, and historicity", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 14, pp.31-46.
(2015) "Quicquid cogitat: on the uses and disadvantages of subjectivity", in: Učník L'ubica; Chvatík Ivan; Williams Anita (ed), The phenomenological critique of mathematisation and the question of responsibility: Formalisation and the life-world, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.89-104.
(2011) "Beyond myth and enlightenment", in: Abrams Erika; Chvatík Ivan (ed), Jan Patočka and the heritage of phenomenology: centenary papers, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.245-261.
with Sternad Christian (2018) "Phenomenologies of sacrifice: introduction", Metodo 6 (2), pp.7-18.
with Staudigl Michael (2018) "On secularism and its discontents: charting pathways with a phenomenology of religion", Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17 (2), pp.238-253.