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Søren Overgaard
with Gilbert Paul, Burwood Stephen (2013) An introduction to metaphilosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
with Zahavi Dan, Schwarz Wentzer Thomas (2003) Den unge Heidegger, København, Akademisk Forlag.
with Grøn Arne, Damgaard Iben (2007) Subjectivity and transcendence, Tübingen, Mohr.
with Luft Sebastian (2011) The Routledge companion to phenomenology, London, Routledge.
(2004) Husserl and Heidegger on being in the world, Dordrecht, Kluwer.
(2007) Wittgenstein and other minds: Rethinking subjectivity and intersubjectivity with Wittgenstein, lévinas, and Husserl, London-New York, Routledge.
with D'oro Giuseppina (2017) The Cambridge companion to philosophical methodology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
(2003) "On Levinas' critique of Husserl", in: Zahavi Dan, Heinämaa Sara (ed), Metaphysics, facticity, interpretation: Phenomenology in the Nordic countries, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.n/a.
(2010) "Royaumont revisited", British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18, pp.899-924.
with Schwarz Wentzer Thomas, Zahavi Dan (2003) "Veje - ikke værker: Den unge Heideggers skrifter", in: Zahavi Dan, Overgaard Søren, Schwarz Wentzer Thomas (ed), Den unge Heidegger, København, Akademisk Forlag, pp.9-29.
(2004) "Exposing the conjuring trick: Wittgenstein on subjectivity", Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (3), pp.263-286.
with Zahavi Dan (2005) "Fænomenologisk sociologi: Hverdagslivets subjekt", in: Hviid Jacobsen Michael, Kristiansen Søren (ed), Hverdagslivet: Sociologier om det upåagtede, København, Reitzel, pp.165-193.
with Zahavi Dan (2009) "Phenomenological sociology: The subjectivity of everyday life", in: Hviid Jacobsen Michael (ed), Encountering the everyday: An introduction to the sociologies of the unnoticed, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.93-115.
with Zahavi Dan (2009) "Understanding (other) minds", in: Zamuner Edoardo, Levy K (ed), Wittgenstein's enduring arguments, London, Routledge, pp.60-86.
with Zahavi Dan (2012) "Time, space and body in Bergson, Heidegger and Husserl", in: Baiasu Roxana, Bird Graham, Moore Adrian (ed), Contemporary Kantian metaphysics: New essays on space and time, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.270-297.
with Zahavi Dan (2012) "Empathy without isomorphism: A phenomenological account", in: Decety Jean (ed), Empathy: from bench to bedside, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, pp.3-20.
with Grünbaum Thor (2007) "What do the weather watchers see?", Cognitive Semiotics 0, pp.8-31.
(2005) "Rethinking other minds: Wittgenstein and Levinas on expression", Inquiry 48 (3), pp.249-274.
(2012) "Other people", in: Zahavi Dan (ed), The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp.460-482.
(2018) "Perceptual error, conjunctivism, and Husserl", Husserl Studies 34 (1), pp.25-45.
(2013) "Motivating disjunctivism", Husserl Studies 29 (1), pp.51-63.
(2009) Review: , , Husserl Studies 25 (1), pp.89-95.
(2002) "Epoché and solipsistic reduction", Husserl Studies 18 (3), pp.209-222.
(2011) Review: , , Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (1), pp.139-143.
(2006) "The problem of other minds: Wittgenstein's phenomenological perspective", Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (1), pp.53-73.
(2017) "Other minds embodied", Continental Philosophy Review 50 (1), pp.65-80.
(2015) "How to do things with brackets: the epoché explained", Continental Philosophy Review 48 (2), pp.179-195.
with Zahavi Dan (2012) "Time, space and body in Bergson, Heidegger and Husserl", in: Baiasu Roxana; Bird Graham; Moore A. W. (ed), Contemporary kantian metaphysics: new essays on space and time, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.270-297.
(2010) "The problem of other minds", in: Gallagher Shaun; Schmicking Daniel (ed), Handbook of phenomenology and cognitive science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.254-268.
(2017) "The unobservability thesis", Synthese 194 (3), pp.743-760.
with Michael John, Christensen Wayne (2014) "Mindreading as social expertise", Synthese 191 (5), pp.817-840.
(2013) "Was Heidegger an "archaicist"?", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34 (2), pp.381-389.
(2005) "Being there: Heidegger's formally indicative concept of "dasein"", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 5, pp.145-163.
(2005) "Transcendental phenomenology and the question of transcendence: a discussion of Damian Byers's intentionality and transcendence", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 5, pp.377-388.
(2005) "Inside phenomenology: a reply to Damian Byers", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 5, pp.398-404.
with Krueger Joel (2012) "Seeing subjectivity: defending a perceptual account of other minds", Protosociology 47, pp.239-262.
(2014) "McNeill on embodied perception theory", Philosophical Quarterly 64, pp.135-143.
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