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Josef Parnas
with Zahavi Dan, Grünbaum Thor (2004) The structure and development of self-consciousness: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Amsterdam, Benjamins.
with Mors Ole, Kragh-Sørensen Per (2009) Klinisk Psykiatri, Copenhague, Munksgaard.
with Møller Paul, Kircher Tilo, Thalbitzer Jørgen, Jansson Lennart, Handest Peter, Zahavi Dan (2015) Undersökning av störningar i självupplevelsen, Lund, Lund Universitet.
with Zahavi Dan (2000) "The link: philosophy-psychopathology-phenomenology", in: Zahavi Dan (ed), Exploring the self: Philosophical and psychopathological perspectives on self-experience, Amsterdam, Benjamins, pp.1-18.
(2000) "The self and intentionality in the pre-psychotic stages of schizophrenia: A phenomenological study", in: Zahavi Dan (ed), Exploring the self: Philosophical and psychopathological perspectives on self-experience, Amsterdam, Benjamins, pp.115-148.
with Zahavi Dan (1998) "Phenomenal consciousness and self-awareness: A phenomenological critique of representational theory", Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (5-6), pp.687-705.
with Stanislaw Stefan, Zahavi Dan, Bovet Pierre (2002) "Schizophrenic autism: Clinical phenomenology and pathogenetic implications", World Psychiatry 1 (3), pp.131-136.
with Stanislaw Stefan, Zahavi Dan (2002) "The role of phenomenology in psychiatric diagnosis and classification", in: Maj Mario (ed), Psychiatric diagnosis and classification, New York, Wiley, pp.137-162.
with Zahavi Dan (2003) "Conceptual problems in infantile autism research: Why cognitive science needs phenomenology", Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (9-10), pp.53-71.
with Sass Louis, Zahavi Dan (2008) "Recent developments in Philosophy of psychopathology", Current Opinion in Psychiatry 21 (6), pp.578-584.
with Zahavi Dan (2009) "Bevidsthed - et grundlæggende emne i psykiatrien", in: Parnas Josef, Mors Ole, Kragh-Sørensen Per (ed), Klinisk Psykiatri, Copenhague, Munksgaard, pp.77-102.
with Sass Louis, Zahavi Dan (2011) "Phenomenology and psychopathology", Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 18 (1), pp.37-39.
with Sass Louis, Zahavi Dan (2011) "Phenomenological psychopathology and schizophrenia: Contemporary approaches and misunderstandings", Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 18 (1), pp.1-23.
with Sass Louis, Zahavi Dan (2013) "Rediscovering psychopathology: The epistemology and phenomenology of the psychiatric object", Schizophrenia Bulletin 39 (2), pp.270-277.
with Bovet Pierre (1991) "Autism in schizophrenia revisited", Comprehensive Psychiatry 32, pp.1-15.
with Bovet Pierre (1995) "Research in psychopathology: Epistemologic issues", Comprehensive Psychiatry 36, pp.167-181.
(1999) "From predisposition to psychosis: Progression of symptoms in schizophrenia", Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Supplement 395, pp.20-29.
with Jansson Lennart, Sass Louis, Handest Peter (1998) "Self-experience in the prodromal phases of schizophrenia: A pilot study of first-admissions", Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 6 (2), pp.97-106.
with Mishara Aaron, Naudin Jean (1998) "Forging the links between phenomenology, cognitive neuroscience, and psychopathology: The emergence of a new discipline", Current Opinion in Psychiatry 11 (5), pp.n/a.
with Handest Peter (2005) "Clinical characteristics of 50 first-admitted icd-10 schizotypal patients", British Journal of Psychiatry Supplement 48, pp.49-54.
with Matthysse Steven, Holzman P S, Gusella J F, Levy Deborah L, Harte C B, Jørgensen A, Møller L (2004) "Linkage of eye movement dysfunction to chromosome 6p in schizophrenia: Additional evidence", American Journal of Medical Genetics 128B (1), pp.30-36.
(2003) "Self and schizophrenia: A phenomenological perspective", in: Kircher Tilo, David Anthony (ed), The self in neuroscience and psychiatry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp.127-141.
with Cannon T, Jacobsen B, Schulsinger H, Schulsinger F, Mednick S A (1993) "Life-time dsm-iiir diagnostic outcomes in offspring of schizophrenic mothers: The results from the Copenhagen high risk study", Archives of General Psychiatry 50, pp.707-714.
with Handest Peter (2003) "Phenomenology of anomalous self-experience in early schizophrenia", Comprehensive Psychiatry 44, pp.121-134.
with Handest Peter, Saebye D, Jansson Lennart (2003) "Anomalies of subjective experience in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar illness", Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 108, pp.126-133.
with Sass Louis (2003) "Self, consciousness, and schizophrenia", Schizophrenia Bulletin 29, pp.427-444.
with Møller Paul, Jansson Lennart, Handest Peter, Zahavi Dan, Kircher Tilo, Thalbitzer Jørgen (2005) "EASE: examination of anomalous self-experience", Psychopathology 38 (5), pp.236-258.
(1996) "Epistemological issues in psychiatric research", in: Matthysse Steven, Levy Deborah L, Kapan J, Benes F M (ed), Psychopathology: The evolving science of mental disorder, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp.511-538.
with Bovet Pierre (1993) "Schizophrenic delusions: A phenomenological approach", Schizophrenia Bulletin 19, pp.579-597.
(1999) "On defining schizophrenia", in: Mario Maj ; Norman Sartorius; (ed), Schizophrenia, Chichester, Wiley, pp.43-45.
(1999) "The boundaries of the schizotypal disorders and schizophrenia", in: López-Ibor Juan (ed), One world, one language: Paving the way to better perspective for mental health, Göttingen, Hogrefe & Huber, pp.164-169.
(2000) "genetics and psychopathology of spectrum phenotypes", Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 101, pp.413-415.
(2003) "Anomalous self-experience in early schizophrenia: A clinical perspective", in: Kircher Tilo, David Anthony (ed), The self in neuroscience and psychiatry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp.n/a.
with Sass Louis (2001) "Self, solipsism, and schizophrenic delusions", Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 8 (2-3), pp.101-120.
(2004) "Belief and pathology of self-awareness: A phenomenological contribution to the classification of delusions", Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (10-11), pp.148-161.
with Sass Louis (2003) "Schizophrenia, consciousness, and the self", Schizophrenia Bulletin 29 (3), pp.427-444.
with Sass Louis (2007) "Explaining schizophrenia: The relevance of phenomenology", in: Graham George, Fulford K W M, Chung Man (ed), Reconceiving schizophrenia, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp.n/a.
with Stephensen Helene (2018) "What can self-disorders in schizophrenia tell us about the nature of subjectivity?: A psychopathological investigation", Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4), pp.629-642.
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