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Simon Critchley
with Schroeder William (1998) A companion to continental philosophy, Oxford, Blackwell.
with Bernasconi Robert (2002) The Cambridge companion to Levinas, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
(2006) Laclau: a critical reader, London, Routledge.
(2008) Unendlich fordernd: Ethik der Verpflichtung, Politik des Widerstands, Zürich, Diaphanes.
with Schroeder William (1999) A companion to continental philosophy, Oxford, Blackwell.
with Catapano Peter (2017) Von Kung-fu bis Ladypower: 33 Übungen in moderner Philosophie, Stuttgart, Metzler.
(1997) "Überlegungen zu einer Ethik der Dekonstruktion", in: Waldenfels Bernhard, Gondek Hans-Dieter (ed), Einsätze des Denkens: Zur Philosophie von Jacques Derrida, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, pp.308-344.
(2011) "The null basis-being of a nullity, or between two nothings: Heidegger’s uncanniness", in: Kearney Richard, Semonovitch Kascha (ed), Phenomenologies of the stranger: Between hostility and hospitality, New York, Fordham University Press, pp.145-154.
(2003) "The overcoming of overcoming: on Dominique Janicaud", Continental Philosophy Review 36 (4), pp.433-447.
(2009) "Leaving the climate of Heidegger's thinking", in: Hansel Jolle (ed), Levinas in Jerusalem: phenomenology, ethics, politics, aesthetics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.45-55.
(2009) "Anarchic law", in: Manderson Desmond (ed), Essays on Levinas and law: a mosaic, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.203-216.
(2016) "Bringing intellect to the soapbox: an exchange", in: Hitchcock Peter (ed), The new public intellectual: politics, theory, and the public sphere, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.175-187.
(2015) "You are not your own", in: Welchman Alistair (ed), Politics of religion/religions of politics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.11-27.
with Welchman Alistair (2015) "Politics of religion/religions of politics", in: Welchman Alistair (ed), Politics of religion/religions of politics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.171-187.
(2017) "Gefährliche Gewissheit oder Eine Lehre aus Auschwitz", in: Catapano Peter; Critchley Simon (ed), Von Kung-fu bis Ladypower: 33 Übungen in moderner Philosophie, Stuttgart, Metzler, pp.55-62.
with Webster Jamieson (2017) "Das Ich-Evangelium", in: Catapano Peter; Critchley Simon (ed), Von Kung-fu bis Ladypower: 33 Übungen in moderner Philosophie, Stuttgart, Metzler, pp.234-239.
(2006) "Derrida: the reader", Epoché 10 (2), pp.315-326.
(2014) "Levinas and Hitlerism", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35 (1-2), pp.223-249.
with Badiou Alain (2008) "Comments on Simon Critchley's Infinitely demanding", Symposium 12 (2), pp.9-17.
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