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Evandro Agazzi

BibliographyBiographyWork & ideasLiteratureCORRESP
Open Access Link with Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (2001) Life: interpretation and the sense of illness within the human condition: Medicine and philosophy in a dialogue, Dordrecht, Kluwer.
Copyright with Buzzoni Marco (2016) Axiomathes 26 (4).
Copyright with Darvas György (1997) Philosophy of mathematics today, Dordrecht, Springer.
Copyright (2017) Varieties of scientific realism: objectivity and truth in science, Dordrecht, Springer.
Copyright (2014) Scientific objectivity and its contexts, Dordrecht, Springer.
Copyright with Buzzoni Marco (2019) Axiomathes 29 (6).
Open Access Link with Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (2001) "The human condition as a system of reference for the medical interpretation of illness", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa, Agazzi Evandro (ed), Life: interpretation and the sense of illness within the human condition: Medicine and philosophy in a dialogue, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.ix-xiii.
Open Access Link (2001) "Illness as lived experience and as the object of medicine", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa, Agazzi Evandro (ed), Life: interpretation and the sense of illness within the human condition: Medicine and philosophy in a dialogue, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.3-15.
Open Access Link (1990) "Can knowledge be acquired through contradiction?", Studies in East European Thought 39 (3-4), pp.205-208.
Open Access Link (2018) "Philosophy of science and ethics", Axiomathes 28 (6), pp.587-602.
Copyright with Buzzoni Marco (2016) "Editorial", Axiomathes 26 (4), pp.347-347.
Copyright (2016) "Scientific realism within perspectivism and perspectivism within scientific realism", Axiomathes 26 (4), pp.349-365.
Open Access Link (2018) "Maps and territories in scientific investigation", in: Wuppuluri Shyam; Doria Francisco Antonio (ed), The map and the territory: exploring the foundations of science, thought and reality, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.3-14.
Open Access Link (1988) "Waves, particles, and complementarity", in: Tarozzi Gino (ed), The nature of quantum paradoxes: Italian studies in the foundations and philosophy of modern physics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.53-74.
Open Access Link (1997) "The relation of mathematics to the other sciences", in: Agazzi Evandro; Darvas György (ed), Philosophy of mathematics today, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.235-259.
Open Access Link (2017) "Introduction: the conceptual knots of the realism debate", in: Agazzi Evandro (ed), Varieties of scientific realism: objectivity and truth in science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-17.
Open Access Link (2017) "The truth of theories and scientific realism", in: Agazzi Evandro (ed), Varieties of scientific realism: objectivity and truth in science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.49-68.
Open Access Link (1994) "On formalism", in: Fløistad Guttorm (ed), Philosophical problems today / problèmes philosophiques d'aujourd'hui, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.75-137.
Open Access Link (1995) "Are there different kinds of knowledge?", in: Kuuradi Ioanna; Cohen Robert S (ed), The concept of knowledge: the Ankara seminar, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.103-118.
Open Access Link (1977) "Subjectivity, objectivity and ontological commitment in the empirical sciences", in: Butts Robert E.; Hintikka Jaakko (ed), Historical and philosophical dimensions of logic, methodology and philosophy of science: part four of the proceedings of the fifth international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, London, ontario, canada-1975, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.159-171.
Open Access Link (1997) "Naive realism and naive antirealism", in: Ginev Dimitri; Cohen Robert S (ed), Issues and images in the philosophy of science: scientific and philosophical essays in honour of Azarya Polikarov, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.13-26.
Open Access Link (1979) "Wissenschaftstheorie I", Grazer Philosophische Studien 9, pp.209-211.
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