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Wolfgang Huemer

BibliographyBiographyWork & ideasLiteratureCORRESP
PDF (2005) The constitution of consciousness: a study in analytic consciousness, London-New York, Routledge.
Copyright Investigating the Social Self, , with Crone Katja, .
Copyright (2012) "Schön ist, was Neuronen im prämotorischen Kortex stimuliert?: Für eine Grenzziehung zwischen Ästhetik und Neurophysiologie", in: Unterthurner Gerhard, Dunshirn Alfred, Nemeth Elisabeth (ed), Crossing Borders: Grenzen (über)denken - Thinking (across) Boundaries, Wien, Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie, pp.685-694.
Open Access Link with Crone Katja (2018) "Self-consciousness and intersubjectivity: dimensions of the social self", Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (2), pp.225-229.
Open Access Link (2002) Review: Poli Roberto, Albertazzi Liliana, Jacquette Dale, The school of Alexius Meinong, Axiomathes 13 (2), pp.217-224.
Open Access Link (2003) "Logical empiricism and phenomenology: Felix Kaufmann", in: Stadler Friedrich (ed), The Vienna circle and logical empiricism: re-evaluation and future perspectives, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.151-161.
Open Access Link (2003) "Husserl and Haugeland on constitution", Synthese 137 (3), pp.345-368.
Open Access Link (2022) "Brentano's four phases and the rise of scientific philosophy in the light of his relation to his students", in: Tănăsescu Ion; Bejinariu Alexandru; Krantz Gabriel Susan; Stoenescu Constantin (ed), Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill: with translations of original writings on philosophy as science by Franz Brentano, Berlin, de Gruyter, pp.401-414.
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