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Nikolaj Plotnikov
(2005) "Logos" v istorii evropejskoj filosofii: proekt i pamjatnik, Moskva, Territorija buduščego.
(2009) Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3).
with Kolerov Modest A. (2012) Issledovanija po istorii russkoj mysli 9.
with Siegfried Meike, Bonnemann Jens (2012) Zwischen den Lebenswelten: Interkulturelle Profile der Phänomenologie, Berlin, LIT Verlag.
(2023) Studies in East European Thought 75.
(2014) Kunst als Sprache - Sprachen der Kunst: Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie der 1920er Jahre in der europäischen Diskussion, Hamburg, Meiner.
with Podzemskaja Natalja (2017) Iskusstvo kak jazyk - jazyki iskusstva I: Gosudarstvennaja akademija chudožestevennych nauk i estetičeskaja teorija 1920-x godov, Moskva, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
(2024) Konzepte der "Person" in der russischen Ideengeschichte: Studien zum interkulturellen Begriffstranfer, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang.
with Haardt Alexander (2008) Das normative Menschenbild in der russischen Philosophie, Berlin, LIT Verlag.
with Kolerov Modest A. (2007) Issledovanija po istorii russkoj mysli 7.
(2013) "Hegel at the GAKHN: between idealism and marxism—on the aesthetic debates in Russia in the 1920s", Studies in East European Thought 65 (3-4), pp.213-225.
(2012) ""The person is a monad with windows": sketch of a conceptual history of "person' in Russia", Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4), pp.269-299.
(2009) "Preface", Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3), pp.71-75.
(2009) "Sergej N. Trubetskoj and the concept of "subject" in the history of russian thought", Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3), pp.197-208.
(1994) "Revolution and the counter-revolution: the conflict over meaning between P. B. Struve and S. L. Frank in 1922", Studies in East European Thought 46 (3), pp.187-196.
(1999) "Evropejskaja tribuna russkoj filosofii: Der russische Gedanke (1929–1938)", Issledovanija po istorii russkoj mysli 3, pp.331-358.
(2023) "The State Academy of Art Studies in Moscow (RAKhN/GAKhN)", in: Mrugalski Michał; Schahadat Schamma; Wutsdorff Irina (ed), Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West, Berlin, de Gruyter, pp.164-178.
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