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Tomasz Placek
with Mulligan Kevin (2014) The history and philosophy of Polish logic: essays in honour of Jan Woleński, Dordrecht, Springer.
with Hintikka Jaakko, Czarnecki Tadeusz, Rojszczak Artur (2003) Philosophy and logic in search of the Polish tradition: essays in honour of jan Woleński on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1999) Mathematical intuitionism and intersubjectivity: a critical exposition of arguments for intuitionism, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2019) "Laplace's demon tries on Aristotle's cloak: on two approaches to determinism", Synthese 196 (1), pp.11-30.
(1998) "Łukasiewicz's logical probability and a puzzle about conditionalization", in: Kijania-Placek Katarzyna; Woleński Jan (ed), The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.337-340.
(2014) "Vienna circle on determinism", in: Galavotti Maria Carla; Nemeth Elisabeth; Stadler Friedrich (ed), European philosophy of science: philosophy of science in europe and the Viennese heritage, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.183-195.
with Mulligan Kevin, Kijania-Placek Katarzyna (2014) "Introduction: the history and philosophy of Polish logic", in: Mulligan Kevin; Placek Tomasz (ed), The history and philosophy of Polish logic: essays in honour of Jan Woleński, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-10.
(2002) "Branching for a transient time", in: Eilstein Helena (ed), A collection of Polish works on philosophical problems of time and spacetime, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.73-92.
(2003) "On Belnap's branching space-times", in: Hintikka Jaakko; Czarnecki Tadeusz; Placek Tomasz; Rojszczak Artur (ed), Philosophy and logic in search of the Polish tradition: essays in honour of jan Woleński on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.77-92.
with Cachro Jacek (2003) "Cartwright's models are not adequate for EPR", in: Rojszczak Artur; Cachro Jacek; Kurczewski Gabriel (ed), Philosophical dimensions of logic and science: selected contributed papers from the 11th international congress of logic, methodology, and philosophy of science, Kraków, 1999, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.213-231.
(2014) "Causal probabilities in grw quantum mechanics", in: Dieks Dennis; Hartmann Stephan; Uebel Thomas; Weber Marcel; Galavotti Maria Carla (ed), New directions in the philosophy of science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.561-576.
(2011) "A locus for "now"", in: Dieks Dennis; Hartmann Stephan; Uebel Thomas; Weber Marcel; González Wenceslao J. (ed), Explanation, prediction, and confirmation, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.395-410.
(2012) "On individuals in Branching histories", Synthese 188 (1), pp.23-39.
with Belnap Nuel D. (2012) "Indeterminism is a modal notion: branching spacetimes and Earman's pruning", Synthese 187 (2), pp.441-469.
with Wroński Leszek (2009) "On infinite EPR-like correlations", Synthese 167 (1), pp.1-32.
with Müller Thomas (2007) "Counterfactuals and historical possibility", Synthese 154 (2), pp.173-197.
with Müller Thomas (2001) "Against a minimalist reading of Bell's theorem: lessons from Fine", Synthese 128 (3), pp.343-379.
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