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Lester Embree
Presents phenomenological thought and the phenomenological movement within philosophy and within various other disciplines. This work contains an introduction that briefly chronicles the changing phenomenological agenda and compares phenomenology with other 20th Century movements.
Embree Lester
Embree Lester, Mohanty Jithendra Nath
Waldenfels Bernhard
Behnke Elizabeth, Casey Edward, Evans J Claude
Smith David Woodruff
Casey Timothy
Burke John Francis
Dreyfus Hubert L
Bilimoria Purushottama
Smith Barry
Allen Jeffner
Seamon David
Kerszberg Pierre
Mishara Aaron
Behnke Elizabeth
Münch Dieter
Murphy Richard T
Smith Barry, Willard Dallas
Odagawa Masako
Fischer Linda
Orth Ernst Wolfgang
Kern Iso
Wiggins Osborne P, Spitzer Manfred
Lanigan Richard L
Frederick Kersten
Embree Lester
Schnell Martin W
Embree Lester
Moural Josef
Behnke Elizabeth, Connolly Maureen
Caputo John D
Zimmerman Michael E
Lawlor Leonard, Evans J Claude
Makkreel Rudolf, Owensky Jacob
Melle Ullrich
Madison Gary Brent
Meyer-Drawe Käte
Mensch James
Scanlon John
McKenna William R
Melle Ullrich
Flynn Thomas R
Blosser Philip
Embree Lester, Lyman Stanford M
Weiner James
Ströker Elisabeth
Compton John
Kockelmans Joseph
McKenna William R
Larrabee Mary Jeanne
Thomas M. Seebohm
Sobchak Vivian
Bruzina Ronald
Null Gilbert T
Watson Stephen H, Vessey David
Courtine Jean-François
Mohanty Jithendra Nath
Theodore Kisiel
Dostal Robert J
Steinbock Anthony
Welton Donn
Ernst Wolfgang Orth; Thomas M. Seebohm;
Embree Lester
Wolfe Mays; Joanna Hodge; Ullrich Haase;
Embree Lester
Jordan Robert Welsh
Frank M. Kirkland
Nenon Thomas
Nicholson Graeme
Thomas M. Seebohm
Carr David
Embree Lester
Mezei Balázs M
Buckley Philip
Theodore Kisiel
Behnke Elizabeth, Casey Edward, Kanata Susumu
Mohanty Jithendra Nath, Chattopadhyaya D P
Andrzej Przyłębski
Frederick Kersten
Kern Iso
Sini Carlo, Vimercati Fulvia
Cobb-Stevens Richard
Kojima Hiroshi
Wiggins Osborne P, Schwartz Michael Alan
Frank M. Kirkland
Reeder Harry P
Christine Skarda; Frederick Kersten;
Cho Kah-Kyung, Lee Nam-In
Schuhmann Karl
Arion Lothar Kelkel
Arion Lothar Kelkel
Hamrick William
Peperzak Adriaan
Michael McDuffie
Thomas M. Seebohm
Hardy Lee
Busch Thomas
Tieszen Richard
Mohanty Jithendra Nath
Zaner Richard
Casey Edward
Pietersma Henry
Cunningham Suzanne
Behnke Elizabeth, Ferrara Lawrence
Ströker Elisabeth
Kockelmans Joseph
Embree Lester
Kortooms Toine
Ogawa Tadashi
Drummond John
Scudder Jr John R, Bishop Anne H
Cunningham Suzanne
García-Gómez Jorge
Dillon Martin C
McKenna William R
Orth Ernst Wolfgang
Miller David James
Kockelmans Joseph
Connolly Maureen
Górniak-Kocikowska Krystyna
Dauenhauer Bernard
Kruks Sonia
Fidalgo Antonio
Mohanty Jithendra Nath
Jung Hwa Yol
Wiggins Osborne P, Schwartz Michael Alan
Drüe Hermann
Scanlon John
Richer Paul
Iser Wolfgang
Smith Barry
Thomas M. Seebohm
Soffer Gail
Hart James G
Marbach Eduard
Reagan Charles E
Molčanov Viktor
Holmes Richard H
Føllesdal Dagfinn
Frings Manfred S
White Alan
Frederick Kersten
Jalbert John E
Werlen Benno
Endreß Martin, Srubar Ilja
Nasu Hirashi
Psathas George
Behnke Elizabeth
Dreyer P S
Drummond John
Walton Roberto
Haney Kathleen
Lanigan Richard L
Ihde Don
Edie James M
Brough John
Herman Daniel J
Lohmar Dieter
Kule Maija
Embree Lester, Schrag Calvin, Edie James M, Kockelmans Joseph, Ihde Don
Jordan Robert Welsh
Nenon Thomas
Reeder Harry P
Welton Donn
Uzelac Milan
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