Wesen 〈essence〉. Kaufmann had said that "der Mensch nicht nur ein Wesen habe sondern auch ein Wesen sei"38. I had objected that this was absurd if we used the word Wesen to mean what Husserl means therewith. Fink agreed that Kaufmann was using the word Wesen in another sense, namely the Heideggerian sense. Kaufmann had maintained that there was a good Husserlian sense in which "der Mensch ein Wesen ist"39. He had said that in so far as man knows his essence he not only has but is his essence. Fink suggested that Heidegger speaks of man as being an essence in that man contains within himself the possibilities of an eigentliches 〈authentic〉 and an uneigentliches 〈unauthentic〉 being." /> Conversation with Husserl and Fink, 20/11/31 - Cairns Dorion | sdvig press

Conversation with Husserl and Fink, 20/11/31

Dorion Cairns

pp. 42-44

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