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As a result of globalization and recent technological innovations, over recent decades contact and interaction among individuals, groups, and cultures have dramatically increased. But such contact often comes with difficulties and costs, and this opens up the broad spectrum of issues that involves the concept of the other. It is this broadness that makes the other susceptible to multifarious declinations, and it is precisely these declinations that the essays in the present issue aim to shed light on.As the reader will see, one of the merits of these essays is that they help to clarify how the concept of the other represents a useful means to undermine one of the persistent philosophical prejudices of our time: that between continental and analytic philosophy there is a radical and irreconcilable divide. Nothing further from the truth.
Caputo Stefano
Marconi Diego
Meini Cristina; Paternoster Alfredo
Muscelli Cristian
Lecis Pier Luigi
Ferraris Maurizio
Barbero Carola
Voltolini Alberto
Lorini Giuseppe
Bettetini Maria
Della Casa Valentino
Di Francesco Michele; Tomasetta Alfredo
Evlampiev Igor; Kolychev Pëtr
Raspa Venanzio
Achille C. Varzi
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