Le Rationalisme appliqué (1949) propose the famous "table" providing the theoretical coordinates of Bachelard's "applied rationalism and technical materialism", and they reconsider some traditional categories and philosophical movements. The French scholar refers to this table as a "philosophical topology", using a problematic definition which has been widely discussed and criticized. This contribution attempts a clarification of this "philosophical topology", by examining some aspects of its genesis, and pointing out how Bachelard, consistently with his theoretical statements, does not simply carry out a reflection on space through philosophy. Indeed, he also considers the other side of the question, proving that mathematical knowledge may affect the understanding of philosophy. The chronology of Bachelard's works witnesses an alternation of epistemological and poetical publications, thus proving that the distinction between the two fields does not mark a boundary between two consecutive phases of his reflection, but it highlights the constant articulation of his research. This statement underlies the second part of our itinerary, which examines the "dialectics of the outside and the inside" through which La poétique de l'espace (1957) reverses the fundamental geometrical opposition between outside and inside, typical of the traditional Euclidean common sense. " /> Topology and topophilia - Palombi Fabrizio | sdvig press

Topology and topophilia

bachelardian space between philosophy and poetics

Fabrizio Palombi

pp. 207-218

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