Wirkungsgeschichte goes beyond Marxism and existentialism pure and simple, while still including these in sublated forms. Such direct appeals are to be found in both the hermeneutical phenomenology of Hans-Georg Gadamer and its incorporation in the most recent efforts of the Frankfurt school of ideology critique, particularly in the work of Jürgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel, who together constitute the hard core of what has been called the "hermeneutical-dialectical approach to metascience" (Radnitzky). Moreover, inasmuch as the aim of the latter approach is a "philosophical anthropology of knowledge" and hermeneutics as such remains centered on the problem of Verstehen, one might expect that a rereading of Hegel in the light of these recent developments should reveal something of what is still alive and operative in his thought with regard to the so-called "problem of knowledge."" /> Hegel and hermeneutics - Theodore Kisiel | sdvig press

Hegel and hermeneutics

Theodore Kisiel

pp. 197-220

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