Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Founded Upon their History). My recent study of his unpublished letters and notebooks indicates that the intimate relation between science and philosophy was always foremost in Whewell's mind; it was not a theoretical stance adopted after his philosophy was well-developed, as some have suggested. In this paper I will present an examination of the relation between Whewell's involvement in science and the writing of his philosophy of science as a springboard to consider the more general question (which, of course, cannot be answered in a paper of this length). Further insight into the relation between science and philosophy of science will be gained by contrasting Whewell's strong involvement in science with the lack of such involvement in the case of his philosophical antagonist, J.S. Mill." /> Whewell and the scientists - Snyder Laura J. | sdvig press

Whewell and the scientists

science and philosophy of science in 19th century Britain

Laura J. Snyder

pp. 81-94

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