1 It seems fair to say, however, that the reactions of most philosophers have been strongly negative. The reasons for these negative reactions have been rather varied. Some critics, such as Robert J. Fogelin,2 P.M.S. Hacker,3 and David Pears,4 agree in maintaining that, in some respect or other, Wittgenstein's ethical position is not well argued. Colin Radford goes further by arguing that Wittgenstein's entire ethical position is incoherent. In explaining the famous "ethical silence' in Wittgenstein's later philosophy, Radford maintains that ethics presented the mature Wittgenstein with a problem he could not resolve. Hence, he adds, "the mature Wittgenstein could not say anything about ethics, and he (virtually) does not".5 Most extreme of all is E.D. Klemke's conclusion concerning Wittgenstein's "Lecture on Ethics' that "it is of no worth whatever for ethical inquiry, and that the manner of philosophizing which it exhibits is despicable".6" /> Is Wittgenstein's ethical theory a kind of error theory? - Jensen Henning | sdvig press

Is Wittgenstein's ethical theory a kind of error theory?

Henning Jensen

pp. 280-290

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