The Ego and the Id (Freud 1923). Prior to the war the main division was "topographical," postulating more or less metaphorical "places" in the mind: consciousness, pre-consciousness, and the unconscious. After the war, the mind is divided "structurally" into three agencies, each with their own motivational functions: the Id, Ego and Super-Ego. The previous division, or rather the previous conception of the unconscious, was not abandoned. The Id, as well as parts of the Ego and the Super-Ego were said to be unconscious. But the main division of the mind was changed, especially since Freud came to understand that his conception of the unconscious did not lend itself to a unified definition." /> The challenges of the Great War to Freud's psychoanalysis - Morag Talia | sdvig press

The challenges of the Great War to Freud's psychoanalysis

Talia Morag

pp. 119-139

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