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Manfred Spitzer
Brendan A. Maher
Philosophy and psychopathology have more in common than philosophers, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists might think. Three fields of inquiry come to mind: (1) Questions about the scientific status of psychopatho logical statements and claims, (2) ethical questions, and (3) problems regarding the question of how to account for something like a disordered mind. While the first two domains have frequently been addressed in articles and debates (think of the mind-body problem and the problem of institutionalization versus self-determination as examples of issues in the two fields), the question of how the mind should be conceived in order for psychopathology to work best has seldom been discussed. The present volume focuses on this question. Perception, thought, affect, will, and the like are terms which made their way from philosophy into psychology, and into present psychiatry, where disturbances of these "faculties" or "functions" are believed to form the most basic part of symptomatology. While these terms and many others that are used to refer to symptoms of mental disorder (such as "self', "consciousness", "drive", and "identity") may seem to be purely descriptive and theoretically "innocent", they are packed with implicit assumptions, theoretical concepts, and sometimes dogmatic postulates.
Spitzer Manfred
Wiggins Osborne P; Schwartz Michael Alan; Schwartz Michael A.; Northoff Georg
Mundt Christoph
Spitzer Manfred
Hundert Edward M.
Maher Brendan A.
Döring Frank
Margulies Alfred
Jaynes Julian
Emrich Hinderk M.
Matthysse Steven
Klein Peter
Oepen Godehard; Harrington Anne; Fünfgeld Matthias
Spitzer Manfred; Maher Brendan A.; Uehlein Friedrich A.
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