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Matthew C. Altman
The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism features essays from leading scholars on German philosophy. It is the most comprehensive secondary source available, covering not only the full range of work by Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, but also idealists such as Reinhold and Schopenhauer, critics such as Jacobi, Maimon, and the German Romantics
Altman Matthew C.
Naragon Steve
Guyer Paul
Rosenkoetter Timothy
Vilhauer Benjamin
Watkins Brian
Palmquist Stephen R.
Wood Allen W.
Cohen Alix
Crowe Benjamin
Thielke Peter
Bykova Marina F.
Zöller Günter
Neuhouser Frederick
Altman Matthew C.
Hoeltzel Steven
Millán Elizabeth
Waibel Violetta L.
Matthews Bruce
Wirth Jason
Grant Iain Hamilton
Vater Michael
Zane Shaw Devin
Novakovic Andreja
Pinkard Terry
Žižek Slavoj
Fritzman J. M.; Parvizian Kristin
Sedgwick Sally
Di Giovanni George
Speight Allen
Bristow William F.
Beiser Frederick
Altman Matthew C.
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