S is and, at the same time, is not P" acquires meaning 1, when the statement "S is P" changes its meaning on a minimal interval of a discreet scale. Such a non-stability of meaning is considered in two variants: in the usual, when meaning fluctuates from affirmation to negation; and in Vasiliev's, when only the quality of a statement is changed. The main features of the logic of non-stability are presented. The syllogistics, where one or two premises are non-stable in some or other sense, is investigated. The correct modi are detected, and the correspondence between syllogisms with Vasiliev's non-stability of the major premise with the results of Vasiliev himself." /> Nikolai Vasiliev's imaginary logic and stable meaning - Mikirtumov Ivan | sdvig press

Nikolai Vasiliev's imaginary logic and stable meaning

Ivan Mikirtumov

pp. 97-125

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