Übermensch") in Hermeneutic Communism whose common weakness imply a call for action. This common weakness is not simply interesting from a theoretical point of view, as all four strive against impositions from above, but also given their call to "act" against a common enemy. This is probably why her contribution focuses on the problem of communication among the weak, that is, how a "hermeneutic-communist-specter" interferes "with the human historical process." This is a problem for everyone dealing with the return of communism in the twenty-first century, whether they interpret it as an idea (Alain Badiou), a horizon (Jodi Dean), or a problem (Slavoj Žižek), has to confront. Jacques Derrida, who was the first to call for a return of communism after the fall of the Soviet Union, also faced this problem when he called for a "New International."" /> Response to Mazzini - Vattimo Gianni; Zabala Santiago | sdvig press

Response to Mazzini

Gianni Vattimo, Santiago Zabala

pp. 125-126

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