1 This claim can also corroborated by examining Brentano's writings. In his lifetime Brentano published seven books and/or monographs on Aristotle including, Von der Mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles (1862), Die Psychologie des Aristoteles (1867), and the late work Aristoteles und seine Weltanschauung, a summary and overview of Aristotelian philosophy (1911). The above works were supplemented by lecture courses, essays and dictations — along with other works of "Aristotelika", many of which remain unpublished but can be found in the manuscripts available in Brentano's Nachlass.2" /> Brentano's aristotelianism and early writings on aristotle - Tassone Biagio G | sdvig press

Brentano's aristotelianism and early writings on aristotle

Biagio G Tassone

pp. 38-74

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