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The Ritual Process, Victor Turner rendered liminal space as a caesura where time and place are suspended and spectators inhabit a gap "between two thresholds, between two worlds' (Dent, 2004, p. 178): between the everyday and the staged spectacle: between the threat of danger and its inevitable promise. Sankai Juku's director Ushio Amagatsu referred to this interstitial condition when he wrote, three years before the Seattle accident, "Butoh belongs both to life and death. It is a realization of the distance between a human being and the unknown' (quoted in Hoffman & Holborn, 1987, p. 121). The liminal experience of theatrical death on the city pavement is both psychic and spatial as it involves that literal gap between a risk of falling and its credible realisation." />
pp. 53-64
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