Mathematical problems from applied logic I

logics for the XXIst century

Dov M. Gabbay , Sergei Goncharov, Michael Zakharyaschev

<p><strong>Mathematical Problems from Applied Logic I</strong> presents chapters from selected, world renowned, logicians. Important topics of logic are discussed from the point of view of their further development in light of requirements arising from their successful application in areas such as Computer Science and AI language. An overview of the current state as well as open problems and perspectives are clarified in such fields as non-standard inferences in description logics, logic of provability, logical dynamics and computability theory. The book contains interesting contributions concerning the role of logic today, including some unexpected aspects of contemporary logic and the application of logic. This should be of interest to logicians and mathematicians in general.</p><p/><p>Contributors include: Franz Baader (Germany) and Ralf Küsters (Germany), Lev Beklemishev (The Netherlands/Russia) and Albert Visser (The Netherlands), Johan van Benthem (The Netherlands/USA), S Barry Cooper (UK), John N Crossley (Australia), Wilfrid A Hodges (UK), and Lawrence S Moss (USA).</p>

Open Access Link
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Problems in the logic of provability

Beklemishev Lev; Visser Albert

Open Access Link
Open Access Link
Open Access Link

Crossley John N.

Open Access Link
Two doors to open

Hodges Wilfrid

Open Access Link
Applied logic

Moss Lawrence S.

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