Branded spaces

experience enactments and entanglements

Stephan Sonnenburg, Laura Baker

<p>Sweeping transformation of brands has led to a warranted need to conquer space for brand performances. Branded spaces emplace agents like consumers or other stakeholders to have an experience that is in multisensual association with a brand. In a fast changing world, branded spaces are becoming lighthouses for brands, for their image and for their relationship to agents. Additionally, the editors and contributors often use a story-like framework to explore how branded spaces are approached as well as to what degree they afford success. Management, branding, marketing, sociology, psychology, and philosophy are some of the disciplines that deal with branded spaces. To address the complexity and the multidisciplinary challenge of branded spaces, this topic is approached via different categories: places and possibilities, facts and figures, senses and sensualities, stories and situations as well as critiques and consequences.</p><p> </p><p><b>Contents </b></p><p>·        Places and Possibilities</p><p>·        Facts and Figures</p><p>·        Senses and Sensualities</p><p>·        Stories and Situations</p><p>·        Critiques and Consequences</p><p> </p><p><b>Targets Groups </b></p><p>·        Researchers, Lectures and Students of Social Sciences, Cultural Studies and Management</p><p>·        Practitioners from Different Fields of Business</p><p> </p><p><b>The Editors</b></p><p>Dr. Stephan Sonnenburg is Professor for Creativity and Transformative Management at the Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe, Germany. He is Dean of the Faculty "Management and Performance".</p><p/><p> </p><p><b>Contents </b></p><p>·        Places and Possibilities</p><p>·        Facts and Figures</p><p>·        Senses and Sensualities</p><p>·        Stories and Situations</p><p>·        Critiques and Consequences</p><p> </p><p><b>Targets Groups </b></p><p>·        Researchers, Lectures and Students of Social Sciences, Cultural Studies and Management</p><p>·        Practitioners from Different Fields of Business</p><p> </p><p><b>The Editors</b></p><p>Dr. Stephan Sonnenburg is Professor for Creativity and Transformative Management at the Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe, Germany. He is Dean of the Faculty "Management and Performance".</p>

Open Access Link
Approaching branded spaces

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Brand value in real estate

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South Tyrol

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