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Yang Cai
Julio Abascal
<p>Ambient Intelligence refers to smart electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Since its introduction in the late 1990s, this vision has matured, having become quite influential in the development of new concepts for information processing as well as combining multi-disciplinary fields including computer science, electrical engineering, industrial design, architectural design, user interfaces, and cognitive science. </p><p>Originating from the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence in Everyday Life held at the Miramar Congress Center, San Sebastian, Spain, in July 2005, this book is devoted to the cognitive aspects of ambient intelligence. The 15 carefully reviewed and revised articles presented are organized in topical sections on human-centric computing, ambient interfaces, and architectures for ambient intelligence. </p>
Panton Kathy; Matuszek Cynthia; Lenat Douglas; Schneider Dave; Witbrock Michael; Siegel Nick; Shepard Blake
Pantic Maja
Cai Yang
Maurer Uwe; Rowe Anthony; Smailagic Asim; Siewiorek Daniel
van Doorn Mark; de Vries P. H.
Bonanni Leonardo
Kimura Atsunobu; Shimada Yoshihiro; Kobayashi Minoru
Nakamura Satoshi; Minakuchi Mitsuru; Tanaka Katsumi
Peters Geoffrey; Cukierman Diana; Anthony Caroline; Schwartz Michael Alan; Schwartz Michael A.
Esnaola Urko; Smithers Tim
Xu Roger; Mei Gang; Ren ZuBing; Kwan Chiman; Aube Julien; Rochet Cedrick; Stanford Vincent
López-de-Ipiña Diego; Vázquez Juan
Sainz Salces Fausto J.; Baskett Michael; Llewellyn-Jones David; England David
Cascado D.; Vicente S.; Sevillano J. L.; Amaya C.; Linares A.; Jiménez G.; Civit-Balcells A.
Ganapathiraju Madhavi; Manoharan Vijayalaxmi; Reddy Raj; Klein-Seetharaman Judith
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