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Margherita Antona
Constantine Stephanidis
The three-volume set LNCS 9737-9739 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the10th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2016, held as part of the 10th International Conference on Human-ComputerInteraction, HCII 2016, in Toronto, ON, Canada in July 2016, jointly with 15other thematically similar conferences. The total of 1287 papers presented at the HCII 2016 conferences were carefully reviewed and selected from 4354 submissions. The papers included in the three UAHCI 2016 volumes address the following major topics: novel approaches to accessibility; design for all and eInclusion best practices; universal access in architecture and product design; personal and collective informatics in universal access; eye-tracking in universal access; multimodal and natural interaction for universal access; universal access to mobile interaction; virtual reality, 3D and universal access; intelligent and assistive environments; universal access to education and learning; technologies for ASD and cognitive disabilities; design for healthy aging and rehabilitation; universal access to media and games; and universal access to mobility and automotive.
Alayed Asmaa; Wald Mike; Draffan E. A.
Cândido Marques Luís Felipe; Freitas Guilhermino Daniela; Albano Lopes Larissa
de Araújo Ricardo José; Bonacin Rodrigo
Damasio Oliveira Juliana
Eika Evelyn; Eika Sandnes Frode
Graham Geordie; Chandrashekar Sambhavi
Kouroupetroglou Georgios; Katsoulis Philippos
Orozco Anyela; Tabares Valentina; Duque Néstor
Ruzic Ljilja; Tina Lee Seunghyun; Sanford Jon A.
Wentzel Jobke; Velleman Eric; van der Geest Thea
Wille Kathrin; Wille Cornelius; Dumke Reiner
Abascal Julio; Azevedo Luis; Cook Albert
Bühler Christian
Bonenberg Agata
Bosse Ingo K.; Wilkens Leevke
Clark Colin; Ayotte Dana; Basman Antranig; Treviranus Jutta
Eckhardt Jennifer; Kaletka Christoph; Pelka Bastian
Souza Gleice; Salgado Luciana; Clua Esteban; Gorski Trevisan Daniela
Staggers Nancy; Elias Beth; Makar Ellen; Hunt Jane; Alexander Gregory L.
Tochetto Josiane; Guimarães Cayley
Tsai Tsai-Hsuan
Bonenberg Wojciech
Charbonneau Rickee; Sellen Kate; Seeschaaf Veres Angelika
Fross Klaudiusz; Ujma-Wąsowicz Katarzyna; Wala Ewa; Winnicka-Jasłowska Dorota; Gumińska Anna; Sitek Michał; Sempruch Agata
Gronostajska Barbara E.; Wielgus Andrzej M.
Jabłońska Joanna; Trocka-Leszczyńska Elżbieta; Tarczewski Romuald
Jabłońska Joanna; Trocka-Leszczyńska Elżbieta; Tarczewski Romuald
Jaglarz Anna
Nowakowski Przemyslaw; Charytonowicz Jerzy
Pelczarski Zdzislaw
Shieh Meng-Dar; Hsu Fang-Chen; Tian Jia-Shiuan; Chen Chien-Nan
Mahardhika Dipta; Kanno Taro
Marcengo Alessandro; Rapp Amon; Cena Federica; Geymonat Marina
Miura Takahiro; Arita Shoma; Hiyama Atsushi; Kobayashi Masatomo; Itoko Toshinari; Sawamura Junichiro; Hirose Michitaka
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