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Lester Embree
(1972) Lifeworld and consciousness: Essays for Aron Gurwitsch, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press.
(1972) "Towards a phenomenology of theoria", in: Embree Lester (ed), Lifeworld and consciousness: Essays for Aron Gurwitsch, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press, pp. 191207.
(1973) "Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973)", Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 4, pp.291.
(1973) "Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973)", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34, pp.141-142.
(1973) "In Memoriam: Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973)", Research in Phenomenology 3, pp.5-6.
(1973) "Reflection on the ego", in: Carr David; Casey Edward (ed), Explorations in phenomenology, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp.243-252.
(1974) "Aron Gurwitsch als phänomenologischer Wissenschaftstheoretiker", Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 5, pp.1-8.
(1974) "Nachruf auf Aron Gurwitsch", Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 5, pp.1-8.
(1975) "Gurwitsch's theory of logic", Social Research 42, pp.129-137.
(1975) "Reflection on planned operations", in: Ihde Don; Zaner Richard (ed), Dialogues in phenomenology, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp.176-191.
(1977) "Everyday social relevancy in Gurwitsch and Schutz", The Annals of Phenomenological Sociology 2, pp.45-61.
(1979) "A note on "is" and "ought" in phenomenological perspective", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39, pp.595-597.
(1979) "Theorien sozialer Relevanz: Aron Gurwitsch and Alfred Schütz", in: Sprondel Walter, Grathoff Richard (ed), Alfred Schütz und die Idee des Alltags in den Sozialwissenschaften, Stuttgart, Enke, pp.65-77.
(1980) "Merleau-Ponty's examination of Gestalt psychology", Research in Phenomenology 10, pp.89-120.
(1980) "Methodology is where human scientists and philosophers can meet: reflections on the Schutz-Parsons exchange", Human Studies 3 (1), pp.367-373.
(1981) "Gurwitschean phenomenologizing", Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 12, pp.101-103.
(1981) "Piaget and Gurwitsch's critique of Merleau-Ponty", Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 12, pp.151-163.
(1984) Essays in memory of Aron Gurwitsch, Washington DC, University Press of America.
(1985) "Gurwitsch's phenomenology of the margin, body, and being", in: Gurwitsch Aron, Marginal consciousness, Athens, OH, Ohio University Press, pp.xi-xiii.
(1985-1986) Review: Husserl Edmund, Ideas pertaining to a pure phenomenology and to a phenomenological philosophy I, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46, pp.348-349.
(1989) "How I am a philosopher", in: Kaelin Eugene F, Schrag Calvin (ed), American phenomenology: Origins and developments, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.334-338.
(1989) "The Legacy of Dorion Cairns and Aron Gurwitsch: A Letter to Future Historians", in: Kaelin Eugene F, Schrag Calvin (ed), American phenomenology: Origins and developments, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.115-146.
(1991) "In memoriam: Ilse Schutz (1902-1990)", Human Studies 14 (2-3), pp.219-224.
(1991) "Notes on the specification of "meaning" in Schutz", Human Studies 14 (2-3), pp.207-218.
(1991) "Two Husserlians discuss nazism: letters between Dorion Cairns and Aron Gurwitsch in 1941", Husserl Studies 8 (2), pp.77-105.
with Drummond John (1992) "Introduction", in: Drummond John; Embree Lester (ed), The phenomenology of the noema, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.1-7.
with Chattopadhyaya D P, Mohanty Jithendra Nath (1992) Phenomenology and Indian philosophy, Albany, SUNY Press.
with Hardy Lee (1992) Phenomenology of natural science, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1992) "Some noetico-noematic analyses of action and practical life", in: Drummond John; Embree Lester (ed), The phenomenology of the noema, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.157-210.
(1992) "The phenomenology of representational awareness", Human Studies 15 (4), pp.301-311.
with Drummond John (1992) The phenomenology of the noema, Dordrecht, Kluwer.
(1993) "Conversation on a plane", in: Embree Lester, Kojima Hiroshi, Blosser Philip, Shimomissé Eiichi (ed), Japanese and Western phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.313-326.
with Blosser Philip, Shimomissé Eiichi, Kojima Hiroshi (1993) Japanese and Western phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1993) "Representation and the historical sciences", in: Kirkland Frank M; Chattopadhyaya D P (ed), Phenomenology: East and West: essays in honor of J.N. Mohanty, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.209-217.
with Lyman Stanford M (1994) "Ethnic studies as multi-discipline and phenomenology", in: Daniel Mano; Embree Lester (ed), Phenomenology of the cultural disciplines, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.211-249.
(1994) "Phenomenological excavation of archaeological cognition or how to hunt mammoth", in: Stapleton Timothy J. (ed), The question of hermeneutics: essays in honor of Joseph J. Kockelmans, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.377-395.
with Daniel Mano (1994) Phenomenology of the cultural disciplines, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1994) "Reflection on the cultural disciplines", in: Daniel Mano; Embree Lester (ed), Phenomenology of the cultural disciplines, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-37.
(1995) "The problem of representational adequacy, or how to evidence an ecosystem", in: Crowell Steven (ed), The prism of the self: philosophical essays in honor of Maurice Natanson, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.59-70.
(1996) "Advances regarding evaluation and action in Husserl's Ideas II", in: Nenon Thomas; Embree Lester (ed), Issues in Husserl's Ideas II, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.173-198.
with Nenon Thomas (1996) Issues in Husserl's Ideas II, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1997) "A Gurwitschean model for explaining culture or how to use an atlatl", in: Evans J Claude; Stufflebeam Robert (ed), To work at the foundations: essays in memory of Aron Gurwitsch, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.141-171.
(1997) "American ethnophobia, e.g., irish-american, in phenomenological perspective", Human Studies 20 (2), pp.271-286.
(1997) "Aron Gurwitsch", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.284-288.
(1997) "Constitutive phenomenology of the natural attitude", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.114-116.
(1997) "Cultural disciplines", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.121-123.
(1997) Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer.
with Lyman Stanford M (1997) "Ethnic studies", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.194-198.
(1997) "Gestalt psychology", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.276-281.
(1997) "Human sciences", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.315-321.
with Mohanty Jithendra Nath (1997) "Introduction", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.1-10.
(1997) "Naturalism", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.480-485.
(1997) Phenomenology of values and valuing, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1997) "Positivistic philosophy and the actual approach of interpretative social science: an ineditum of Alfred Schutz from spring 1953", Husserl Studies 14 (2), pp.123-149.
(1997) "Preface", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.xiii-xiv.
(1997) "Problems of the value of nature in phenomenological perspective or what to do about snakes in the grass", in: Embree Lester (ed), Phenomenology of values and valuing, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.49-61.
with Edie James M, Ihde Don, Kockelmans Joseph, Schrag Calvin (1997) "United States of America", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.718-724.
(1998) Alfred Schutz's "sociological aspect of literature": construction and complementary essays, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1998) "Editor's introduction", in: Embree Lester (ed), Alfred Schutz's "sociological aspect of literature": construction and complementary essays, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.3-71.
(1999) Schutzian social science, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1999) "The ethical-political side of Schutz: his contributions at the 1956 institute on ethics concerned with barriers to equality of opportunity", in: Embree Lester (ed), Schutzian social science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.235-318.
with Fisher Linda (2000) Feminist phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2000) "Phenomenology in and of Deborah Tannen's genderlectics", in: Fisher Linda; Embree Lester (ed), Feminist phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.153-171.
with Thompson Kevin (2000) Phenomenology of the political, Dordrecht, Springer.
with Wiegand Olav K, Dostal Robert J, Kockelmans Joseph, Mohanty Jithendra Nath (2000) Phenomenology on Kant, German idealism, hermeneutics and logic: philosphical essays in honor of Thomas M. Seebohm, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2000) "Schutz on reducing social tensions", in: Thompson Kevin; Embree Lester (ed), Phenomenology of the political, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.81-102.
with Brough John (2000) The many faces of time, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2000) "The mother of all phenomenological websites: development of www.phenomenologycenter.org", Glimpse 2 (1), pp.23-26.
(2000) "The phenomenological derivation of oughts and shalls from ises or why it is right to take the stairs", in: Olav K. Wiegand; Robert J Dostal; Lester Embree; Joseph Kockelmans; J. N. Mohanty; (ed), Phenomenology on Kant, German idealism, hermeneutics and logic: philosphical essays in honor of Thomas M. Seebohm, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.83-88.
(2001) The existential phenomenology of Simone de Beauvoir, Dordrecht, Springer.
with Crowell Steven, Julian Samuel (2001) The reach of reflection: Issues for phenomenology's second century, Los Angeles, Electron Press.
(2002) "La période parisienne d'Aron Gurwitsch", in: Gurwitsch Aron, Esquisse de la phénoménologie constitutive, Paris, Vrin, pp.13-54.
with Toadvine Ted (2002) Merleau-Ponty's reading of Husserl, Dordrecht, Kluwer.
with Drummond John (2002) Phenomenological approaches to moral philosophy: a handbook, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2003) "Aron Gurwitsch's theory of cultural-scientific phenomenological psychology", Husserl Studies 19 (1), pp.43-70.
(2003) "Gurwitsch's theory of cultural-scientific psychology", Husserl Studies 19 (1), pp.43-70.
(2003) "Introduction to "Aron Gurwitsch. Sobre el nihilismo de nuestro tiempo"", Agora 22 (2), pp.157-161.
(2004) "A problem in Schutz's theory of the historical sciences with an illustration from the women's liberation movement", Human Studies 27 (3), pp.281-306.
(2004) "Advances regarding evaluation and action in Husserl's Ideas II", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy II: Themes and issues, London, Routledge, pp.363-380.
(2004) "Explanation, the noematic core, the essays, and more relevancies for cognitive science: Introduction", in: Embree Lester (ed), Gurwitsch's relevancy for cognitive science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-24.
(2004) Gurwitsch's relevancy for cognitive science, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2004) "Introduction: Dorion Cairns's review of Eugen Fink's "The problem of E. Husserl's phenomenology"", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 4, pp.319-322.
with Moran Dermot (2004) "Introduction to volume II", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy II: Themes and issues, London, Routledge, pp.1-4.
with Moran Dermot (2004) "Introduction to volume III", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy III: Science, art, and ethics, London, Routledge, pp.1-2.
with Moran Dermot (2004) "Introduction to volume IV", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy IV: Expanding horizons of phenomenology, London, Routledge, pp.1-2.
with Moran Dermot (2004) "Introduction to volume V", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy V: The heritage of phenomenology, London, Routledge, pp.1-4.
(2004) "Phenomenology of the consocial situation: advancing the problems", in: Carr David; Cheung Chan-Fai (ed), Space, time, and culture, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.119-133.
with Moran Dermot (2004) Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy I: Central tendencies and concepts, London, Routledge.
with Moran Dermot (2004) Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy II: Themes and issues, London, Routledge.
with Moran Dermot (2004) Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy III: Science, art, and ethics, London, Routledge.
with Moran Dermot (2004) Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy IV: Expanding horizons of phenomenology, London, Routledge.
with Moran Dermot (2004) Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy V: The heritage of phenomenology, London, Routledge.
with Cairns Dorion, Zaner Richard, Kersten Frederick (2004) "Review of Eugen Fink's "The problem of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology"", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 4, pp.323-339.
(2004) "The possibility of a constitutive phenomenology of the environment", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy IV: Expanding horizons of phenomenology, London, Routledge, pp.136-148.
(2004) "The three species of relevancy in Gurwitsch", in: Embree Lester (ed), Gurwitsch's relevancy for cognitive science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.205-219.
(2005) "Aron Gurwitsch", in: Shook John (ed), Dictionary of modern American philosophers, Bristol, Thoemmes Continuum, pp.996-1002.
(2005) "The appeal of Alfred Schutz in disciplines beyond philosophy, e.g. jurisprudence", in: Psathas George; Nasu Hisashi (ed), Explorations of the life-world: continuing dialogues with Alfred Schutz, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.77-95.
(2006) "Aufbau to animism: a sketch of the alternate methodology and major discovery in dorion Cairns's revision of edmund Husserl's "Fifth cartesian meditation"", Continental Philosophy Review 39 (1), pp.79-96.
(2007) "Observando camiones: el dónde y el cuándo de las apariciones visuales y auditivas", Anuario Colombiano de Fenomenologiá 1, pp.171-178.
with Cairns Dorion, Zaner Richard, Kersten Frederick (2007) "Some applications of Husserl's theory of sense-transfer", The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 7, pp.309-335.
with Nasu Hisashi, Psathas George, Srubar Ilja (2009) Alfred Schutz and his intellectual partners, Konstanz, UVK.
(2009) "Economics in the context of Alfred Schutz's theory of science", Schutzian Research 1, pp.165-175.
(2009) "La justification des normes analysées de manière réfléchie", Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 5 (6), pp.1-8.
(2009) "Some philosophical differences within a friendship: Gurwitsch and Schutz", in: Nasu Hisashi; Embree Lester; Psathas George; Srubar Ilja (ed), Alfred Schutz and his intellectual partners, Konstanz, UVK, pp.231-253.
(2009) "The impression of causality: Merleau-Ponty on Michotte", Chiasmi International 11, pp.311-319.
(2010) "Curriculum vitae", in: Nenon Thomas; Blosser Philip (ed), Advancing phenomenology: essays in honor of Lester Embree, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.471-509.
(2010) "Editorial introduction to "Marginal consciousness"", in: Gurwitsch Aron, The field of consciousness: theme, thematic Field, and margin, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.413-445.
(2010) "Founding some practical disciplines in Schutzian social psychology", Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6 (1), pp.1-11.
with Sepp Hans Rainer (2010) Handbook of phenomenological aesthetics, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London, Springer.
(2010) "Methodology", in: Sepp Hans Rainer, Embree Lester (ed), Handbook of phenomenological aesthetics, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London, Springer, pp.215-222.
with Sepp Hans Rainer (2010) "The core of phenomenological aesthetics: A suggested bibliography", in: Sepp Hans Rainer, Embree Lester (ed), Handbook of phenomenological aesthetics, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London, Springer, pp.359-364.
Schütz Alfred (2011) Collected papers V: Phenomenology and the social sciences (edited by Embree Lester), Dordrecht, Springer.
(2011) "Introduction", in: Alfred Schütz, Collected papers V: Phenomenology and the social sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.xi-xv.
(2011) "Phenomenological nursing in Schutzian perspective", in: Clinical ethics and the necessity of stories: essays in honor of Richard M. Zaner, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.87-97.
(2011) "Some reflective analysis of recollecting", Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 7 (4), pp.1-9.
(2012) "It's about time!: a sometimes personal narrative of Schutz scholarship", Schutzian Research 4, pp.9-22.
(2012) "The way from the ideal of science: the other motivation for the transcendental phenomenological reduction in the doctoral dissertation of dorion Cairns", Human Studies 35 (4), pp.555-561.
(2012) "Two concepts of type in the work of Alfred Schutz", Schutzian Research 4, pp.125-131.
(2013) "Dorion Cairns, empirical types, and the field of consciousness", in: Nenon Thomas, Embree Lester (ed), Husserl's Ideen, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.225-239.
with Nenon Thomas (2013) Husserl's Ideen, Dordrecht, Springer.
Cairns Dorion (2013) The philosophy of Edmund Husserl, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2014) "Cultural science in literary light", in: Barber Michael; Dreher Jochen (ed), The interrelation of phenomenology, social sciences and the arts, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.21-30.
(2014) "The interpretationism of AlFred Schutz or how woodcutting can have referential and non-referential meaning", in: Staudigl Michael, Berguno George (ed), Schutzian phenomenology and hermeneutic traditions, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.69-79.
(2015) The Schutzian theory of the cultural sciences, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2016) "Constructing a Schutzian theory of political science", in: Jung Hwa Yol; Embree Lester (ed), Political phenomenology: essays in memory of Petee Jung, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.59-75.
with Jung Hwa Yol (2016) Political phenomenology: essays in memory of Petee Jung, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2016) "Speculations about bridging the Göttingen-Freiburg "gap" in phenomenology", in: Kelly Michael R, Harding Brian (ed), Early phenomenology: Metaphysics, ethics, and the philosophy of religion, London, Bloomsbury, pp.13-24.
(2017) Análisis reflexivo: Una primera introducción a la investigación fenomenológica, Bucharest, Zeta Books.
(2017) "Gurwitsch at the New School", in: Embree Lester; Barber Michael (ed), The golden age of phenomenology at the New School for Social Research 1954-1973, Athens, OH, Ohio University Press, pp.123-133.
with Barber Michael (2017) The golden age of phenomenology at the New School for Social Research 1954-1973, Athens, OH, Ohio University Press.
with Barber Michael (2019) "The golden age of phenomenology: at the New School for Social Research, 1954–1973", in: Ferri Michela Beatrice; Ierna Carlo (ed), The reception of Husserlian phenomenology in North America, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.99-106.
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