Simone Aurora
Post-doc researcher in philosophy, specialising in Husserl, phenomenology of language, and the history of structuralism. He is editor-in-chief of Acta Structuralica and assistant editor of Metodo. International studies in phenomenology and philosophy
(in print) Ausgewählte Schriften: 1887-1901, Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press.
(2016) Acta Structuralica 1.
with Flack Patrick (2016) Metodo 4 (2).
(2017) Acta Structuralica 2.
(2017) Filosofia e scienze nel primo Husserl: Per una interpretazione strutturalista delle Ricerche logiche, Padova, Cleup.
Phenomenology and structuralism, , with De Angelis Rossana, .
(2018) Acta Structuralica 3.
(2019) Acta Structuralica 4.
(2020) Acta Structuralica 5.
On the transcendental III, , , .
Holenstein Elmar (2020) Phenomenological philosophy of language: collected papers (edited by Aurora Simone; Cigana Lorenzo), Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press.
with Lisco Sonia Maria, Tranas Linas (2022) Metodo 10 (1).
with Grigenti Fabio (2021) Fenomenologia e tecnica, Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press.
(2022) Il campo della coscienza: Aron Gurwitsch e la fenomenologia trascendentale, Napoli, Orthotes.
with Altobrando Andrea (2024) Studia Phaenomenologica 24.
with De Palo Marina (2023) Histoire Épistémologie Langage 45 (1).
(2015) "A forgotten source in the history of linguistics: Husserl's Logical investigations", Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 11 (5), pp.1-19.
with Flack Patrick (2016) "Phenomenology and linguistics: introduction", Metodo 4 (2), pp.7-12.
with De Angelis Rossana (2018) "Introduction", Acta Structuralica 1, pp.1-8.
(2017) Review: , , Metodo 5 (1), pp.379-391.
with Flack Patrick (2018) "Principles of structural phenomenology: a basic outline and commentary", Acta Structuralica 1, pp.151-169.
(2019) "On the transcendental – Part III", Metodo 1.3, pp.7-12.
(2020) "The early Husserl between structuralism and transcendental philosophy", in: Apostolescu Iulian (ed), The subject(s) of phenomenology: rereading Husserl, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.31-43.
with Cigana Lorenzo (2020) "Elmar Holenstein's phenomenological philosophy of language", in: Holenstein Elmar, Phenomenological philosophy of language: collected papers, Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press, pp.7-26.
(2017) "From structure to machine: Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy of linguistics", Deleuze Studies 11 (3), pp.405-428.
with Grigenti Fabio (2021) "Introduzione: La tecnica oltre la tecnica", in: Grigenti Fabio; Aurora Simone (ed), Fenomenologia e tecnica, Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press, pp.7-10.
(2021) "Tecnica e soggettività: Edmund Husserl e Bernard Stiegler", in: Grigenti Fabio; Aurora Simone (ed), Fenomenologia e tecnica, Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press, pp.21-44.
with Lisco Sonia Maria, Tranas Linas (2022) "Familiarity and togetherness", Metodo 10 (1), pp.7-17.
(2022) "From the field of consciousness to the social field: Aron Gurwitsch's theory of organization", Metodo 10 (1), pp.239-256.
(2022) "A semiotic reading of Aron Gurwitsch's transcendental phenomenology", Philosophies 8 (1), pp.1-13.
with De Palo Marina (2023) "Phénoménologies et théories du langage autour de Merleau-Ponty", Histoire Épistémologie Langage 45 (1), pp.13-17.
(2023) "The field of language: Aron Gurwitsch and the functional analysis", Histoire Épistémologie Langage 45 (1), pp.105-127.