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Angela Ales Bello
(2015) The sense of things: Toward a phenomenological realism, Dordrecht, Springer.
(1981) The great chain of being and Italian phenomenology, Dordrecht, Kluwer.
(2009) The divine in Husserl and other explorations, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2008) Axiomathes 18 (4).
with D'Amore Benedetto (1982) Metafisica e scienze dell'uomo. Vol. I: Atti del VII congresso intemazionale Bergamo 4-9 settembre 1980, Roma, Borla.
with Alberigo Giuseppe, Mongillo D (1992) Quaderni di Koinonia 1 (supplemento).
(1972) Edmund Husserl e la storia, Parma, Studium Parmense.
(1980) Husserl e le scienze, Roma, La Goliardica.
(1982) L'oggettivitacome pregiudizio: Analisi di inediti husserliani sulla scienza, Roma, La Goliardica.
(1985) Husserl: Sul problema di Dio, Roma, Studium.
(1997) Culture e religioni: una lettura fenomenologica, Roma, Città nuova.
with Molinaro Aniceto (1984) Il linguaggio: Struttura espressione simbolo referenza, Roma, Pontificia Universita Lateranense.
Husserl Edmund (2019) Il Bambino: La genesi del sentire e del conoscere l'altro. Testo a Fronte (edited by Ales Bello Angela), Roma, Fattore Umano Edizioni.
with Menin Ademir (2021) Aoristo 4 (2).
(2021) Assonanze e dissonanze: Dal Diario di Edith Stein, Milano, Mimesis.
Husserl Edmund (2022) La preghiera e il divino: Scritti etico-religiosi, Roma, Studium.
with Sciacca Anna Maria (2023) Ti racconto l'aldilà: Fenomenologia della vita ante mortem e post mortem, Roma, Castelvecchi .
(2012) "What is life? The contributions of Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein", Symposium 16 (2), pp.20-33.
(2002) "The generative principles of phenomenology, their genesis, development and early expansion", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology world-wide: Foundations, expanding dynamics, life-engagements: a guide for research and study, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.29-60.
(2002) "Hedwig Conrad-Martius and the phenomenology of nature", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology world-wide: Foundations, expanding dynamics, life-engagements: a guide for research and study, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.210-231.
(2002) "Husserlian phenomenology in the work of Mario Sancipriano", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology world-wide: Foundations, expanding dynamics, life-engagements: a guide for research and study, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.483-485.
(2002) "Edith Stein: phenomenology, the state and religious commitment", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology world-wide: Foundations, expanding dynamics, life-engagements: a guide for research and study, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.648-656.
(2006) "The language of our living body", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Logos of phenomenology and phenomenology of the logos II: The human condition in-the-unity-of-everything-there-is-alive. individuation, self, person, self-determination, freedom, necessity, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.3-14.
(1996) "From empathy to solidarity: Intersubjective connections according to Edith Stein", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Life in the glory of its radiating manifestations, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.367-375.
(2016) "Thomas von Aquino in Edith Steins Interpretation", in: Machnacz Jerzy; Małek-Orłowska Monika; Serafin Krzysztof (ed), The Hat and the Veil - Hut und Schleier: The Phenomenology of Edith Stein - Die Phänomenologie Edith Steins, Nordhausen, Bautz, pp.15-25.
(1976) "Culture and utopia in the phenomenological perspective", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), The crisis of culture: Steps to reopen the phenomenological investigation of man, Dordrecht, Reidel, pp.305-341.
(1977) "Empathy, a return to reason", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), The self and the other: The irreducible element in man - Part I The "crisis of man", Dordrecht, Reidel, pp.143-149.
(1979) "Teleology as "The form of all forms" and the inexhaustibility of research", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), The teleologies in Husserlian phenomenology: The irreducible element in man - Part III "Telos" as the pivotal factor of contextual phenomenology, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.337-351.
(1981) "Le problème de l'être dans la phénoménologie de Husserl", in: Ales Bello Angela (ed), The great chain of being and Italian phenomenology, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.41-50.
(1983) "Life and culture in the analysis of the relationship between man and nature", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), The phenomenology of man and of the human condition: Individualisation of nature and the human being part I : plotting the territory for interdisciplinary communication, Dordrecht, Reidel, pp.197-206.
(1983) "Seele und Leib in der Kategorialen und in der Originären Perspektive", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Soul and body in Husserlian phenomenology: Man and nature, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.37-48.
(1986) "The development of the sciences in relation to human life existence irreducible to scientific vision", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), The phenomenology of man and of the human condition II: The meeting point between occidental and oriental philosophies, Dordrecht, Reidel, pp.103-116.
(2015) "Foreword", in: Alfieri Francesco, The presence of Duns Scotus in the thought of Edith Stein: The question of individuality, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.vii-ix.
(1991) "Phenomenology as archeology vs. contemporary hermeneutics", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Husserl's legacy in phenomenological philosophies: New approaches to reason, language, hermeneutics, the human condition, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.3-15.
(1993) "Husserlian phenomenology in the work of Mario Sancipriano", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Manifestations of reason: life, historicity, culture reason, life, culture II: Phenomenology in the adriatic countries, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.221-226.
(1994) "The critique of reason, creativity, and mystical experience", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), From the sacred to the divine: A new phenomenological approach, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.71-74.
with Conci Domenico Antonino (1994) "Phenomenology as the semiotics of archaic or "different" life experiences: Toward an analysis of the sacred", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), From the sacred to the divine: A new phenomenological approach, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.101-123.
(1997) "The entelechial principle in the ontopoiesis of life", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology of life as the starting point of philosophy: 25th anniversary publication book III, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.25-31.
(1998) "Hyle, body, life: Phenomenological archaeology of the sacred", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa, Kronegger Marlies (ed), Life: Differentiation and harmony... vegetal, animal, human, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.63-74.
(2000) "Life, person, responsibility", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), The origins of life II: The origins of the existential sharing-in-life, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.43-53.
(2004) "The controversy about the existence of the world in Edmund Husserl's phenomenological school: A. Reinach, R. Ingarden, H. Conrad-Martius, E. Stein", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Does the world exist?: Plurisignificant ciphering of reality, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.97-115.
(2004) "The function of intentionality and the function of creativity: A.-T. Tymieniecka and E. Husserl: a confrontation", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Imaginatio creatrix: The pivotal force of the genesis/ontopoiesis of human life and reality, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.543-552.
(2005) "Phenomenological hyletics and the lifeworld", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology of life: Meeting the challenges of the present-day world, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.293-301.
(2007) "Phenomenological hyletics: The animal, the human, the divine", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology of life from the animal soul to the human mind: The human soul in the creative transformation of the mind, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.3-10.
(2008) "Self-cultivation and educative responsibility", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Education in human creative existential planning, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.279-290.
(2009) ""Brute being" and hyletic phenomenology: The philosophical legacy of Merleau-Ponty's the visible and the invisible", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Phenomenology and existentialism in the twentieth century II: Fruition–cross-pollination–dissemination, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.55-76.
(2011) "The transcendental: Husserl and Kant", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Transcendentalism overturned: From absolute power of consciousness until the forces of cosmic architectonics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.229-243.
(1996) "Unterwegs zu einer weiblichen Philosophie: Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein, Gerda Walther", Edith Stein Jahrbuch 2, pp.165-174.
(1993) "Edith Stein und Hedwig Conrad-Martius: Eine menschliche und intellektuelle Begegnung", Phänomenologische Forschungen 26/27, pp.256-284.
(2008) "Foreword", Axiomathes 18 (4), pp.395-398.
(2008) "The human being in the context of nature: Philosophical anthropology and natural sciences in Hedwig Conrad-Martius", Axiomathes 18 (4), pp.425-443.
(2018) "The sense of mystical experience according to Gerda Walther", in: Calcagno Antonio (ed), Gerda Walther's phenomenology of sociality, psychology, and religion, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.135-147.
(1983) "Seele und Leib in der originären Perspektive", in: Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa (ed), Soul and body in Husserlian phenomenology: Man and nature, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 37-48.
(1993) "Phänomenologische Archäologie der Kulturen", in: Ram Adhar Mall; Dieter Lohmar; (ed), Philosophische Grundlagen der Interkulturalität, Amsterdam, Rodopi, pp. 41-52.
(1979) "The problem of method", Phenomenology information bulletin 3, pp.93-94.
(1989) "Phenomenological archeology as a tool for analysing the human world", in: Kojima Hiroshi (ed), Phänomenologie der Praxis im Dialog zwischen Japan und dem Westen, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann.
(1990) "Wittgenstein and Husserl: Psychology and phenomenology", Phenomenological Inquiry 14, pp.120-125.
(1992) "Is philosophy as rigorous science still topical today?", Phenomenological Inquiry 16, pp.144-153.
(1994) "Peirce and Husserl: abduction, apperception and aesthetics", in: Parret Herman (ed), Peirce and value theory: on Peircean ethics and aesthetics, Amsterdam, Benjamins, pp. 113-122.
(1969) "Teologia e teleologia nella fenomenologia di Husserl", Vita sociale 26, pp.167-177.
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(1970) "Coscienza e soggettivita nella fenomenologia di Husserl", Incontri culturali 3 (9-10), pp.69-78.
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(1975) "Indicazioni fenomenologiche per la fondazione della morale", Sapienza 28, pp.338-341.
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(1976) "Liberta e liberazione nella prospettiva fenomenologica", Incontri culturali 9, pp.145-151.
(1976) "Husserl filosofo "borghese"?", in: Filosofia e impegno politico: La politica e la dimensione sociale della vita, Milano, Edizioni di Comunità, pp. 235-246.
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(1978) "Il recupero dell'intersoggettivita per un mondo umano in Husserl", Fenomenologia e società 1, pp.290-301.
(1978) "Il tempo e Toriginario: un dibattito fenomenologico", Il contributo 5-6, pp.5-13.
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(1982) "La teologia in un inedito husserliano", Aquinas 25, pp.349-356.
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(1985) ""Wir Europäer" nei manoscritti inediti contemporanei alia "Krisis"", in: Signore Mario (ed), Edmund Husserl: La "Crisi delle scienze Europee" e la responsabilité dell'Europa, Milano, FrancoAngeli, pp. 53-72.
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(1995) "Teleo-logia y teo-logia en Edmund Husserl", Anuario Filosófico 28 (1), pp.11-18.
(2003) "The human being and its soul in Edith Stein", in: The passions of the soul in the metamorphosis of becoming, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.57-66.
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(2016) "From the "neutral" human being to gender difference: phenomenological and dual anthropology in Edith Stein", in: Calcagno Antonio (ed), Edith Stein: women, social- political philosophy, theology, metaphysics and public history: New approaches and applications, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.11-23.
(2017) "Consciousness and hyletics in humans, animals and machines", in: Dodig Crnkovic Gordana; Giovagnoli Raffaela (ed), Representation and reality in humans, other living organisms and intelligent machines, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.247-260.
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