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Alfred Schütz
BibliographyBiographyWork & ideasLiteratureCORRESPALLBOOKSBOOKEDARTJRNLBYTITLECHRONOANTICHRONO- (1932) Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt: Eine Einleitung in die verstehende Soziologie, Wien-New York, Springer.
- (1932) Review: Husserl Edmund, Méditations cartésiennes, Deutsche Literaturzeitung 53 (51), pp.2404-2416.
- (1933) Review: , , Deutsche Literaturzeitung 54, pp.773-784.
- (1940) "Notizen zur Raumkonstitution I", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (1), pp.21-37.
- (1940) "Phenomenology and the social sciences", in: Farber Marvin (ed), Philosophical essays in memory of Edmund Husserl, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, pp.164-186.
- (1941) "William James's concept of the stream of thought phenomenologically interpreted", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (4), pp.442-452.
- (1942) "Scheler's theory of intersubjectivity and the general thesis of the alter ego", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (3), pp.323-347.
- (1943) "The problem of rationality in the social world", Economica - New Series 10 (38), pp.130-149.
- (1944) "The stranger", The American Journal of Sociology 49 (6), pp.499-507.
- (1945) "On multiple realities", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 5 (4), pp.533-576.
- (1945) "Some leading concepts in phenomenology", Social Research 12 (1), pp.77-97.
- (1945) "Some leading concepts of phenomenology", Social Research 12 (1), pp.n/a.
- (1945) "The homecomer", The American Journal of Sociology 50 (4), pp.363-376.
- (1946) "The well-informed citizen: An essay on the social distribution of knowledge", Social Research 13 (4), pp.463-478.
- (1948) "Sartre's theory of the alter ego", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (2), pp.181-199.
- (1950) "Language, language disturbances, and the texture of consciousness", Social Research 27 (3), pp.n/a.
- (1951) "Choosing among projects of action", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (2), pp.161-184.
- (1951) Review: Husserl Edmund, Cartesianische Meditationen und Pariser Vorträge, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (4), pp.421-423.
- (1951) "Making music together: A study in social relationship", Social Research 18 (1), pp.76-97.
- (1952) "Santayana on society and government", Social Research 19 (2), pp.220-246.
- (1953) "Common-sense and scientific interpretation of human action", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (1), pp.1-38.
- (1953) "Die Phaenomenologie und die Fundamente der Wissenschaften (Ideas III by Edmund Husserl)", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (4), pp.506-514.
- (1953) "Edmund Husserl's ideas, volume II", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (3), pp.394-413.
- (1953) Review: Husserl Edmund, Ideas pertaining to a pure phenomenology and to a phenomenological philosophy I, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (3), pp.394-413.
- (1953) Review: , , Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (4), pp.506-514.
- (1954) "Concept and theory formation in the social sciences", The Journal of Philosophy 1 (1), pp.n/a.
- (1955) "Don Quijote y el problema de la realidad", Dianoia: anuario de filosofía 1, pp.312-330.
- (1955) "Symbol, reality and society", in: Lyman Bryson; Louis Finkelstein; Hudson Hoagland; A M Maciver; (ed), Symbols and society: 14th symposium of the conference on science, philosophy and religion, New York, Harper, pp.n/a.
- (1956) "Max Scheler", in: Merleau-Ponty Maurice (ed), Les philosophes célèbres, Paris, Mazenod, pp.330-335.
- (1956) "Mozart and the philosophers", Social Research 23 (2), pp.219-242.
- (1957) "Das Problem der transzendentalen Intersubjektivität bei Husserl", Philosophische Rundschau 5, pp.81-107.
- (1957) "Equality and the meaning structure of the social world", in: Bryson Lyman, Faust Clarence, Finkelstein Louis (ed), Aspects of human equality, New York, Harper, pp.33-78.
- (1957) "Max Scheler on epistemology and ethics", Review of Metaphysics 11, pp.n/a.
- (1958) "Some equivocations in the notion of responsibility", in: Hook Sidney (ed), Determinism and freedom, New York, New York University Press, pp.206-208.
- with Gadamer Hans-Georg, Ingarden Roman Witold, Wahl Jean, Van Breda Herman Leo (1959) "Discussion de la présentation de M. Ingarden", in: Béra Marc-André (ed), Husserl. Troisieme Colloque philosophique de Royaumont (23-30 avril 1957): L'oeuvre et la pensée de Husserl, Paris, Editions de Minuit, pp.265-270.
- with Beck Leslie, Kelkel Arion Lothar, Fink Eugen, Ingarden Roman Witold, Graumann Carl Friedrich (1959) "Discussion de la présentation de M. Schutz", in: Béra Marc-André (ed), Husserl. Troisieme Colloque philosophique de Royaumont (23-30 avril 1957): L'oeuvre et la pensée de Husserl, Paris, Editions de Minuit, pp.366-381.
- with Goldmann Lucien, Biemel Walter, Dreyfus Hubert L, Kuypers Karel, Kelkel Arion Lothar (1959) "Discussion de la présentation de M. Wild", in: Béra Marc-André (ed), Husserl. Troisieme Colloque philosophique de Royaumont (23-30 avril 1957): L'oeuvre et la pensée de Husserl, Paris, Editions de Minuit, pp.293-306.
- (1959) "Husserl's Importance for the Social Sciences", in: Van Breda Herman Leo, Taminiaux Jacques (ed), Edmund Husserl, 1859-1959: recueil commémoratif publié a l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance du philosophe, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp.86-98.
- (1959) "Le problème de l'intersubjectivité transcendentale chez Husserl", in: Béra Marc-André (ed), Husserl. Troisieme Colloque philosophique de Royaumont (23-30 avril 1957): L'oeuvre et la pensée de Husserl, Paris, Editions de Minuit, pp.334-365.
- (1959) "Tiresias, or our knowledge of future events", Social Research 26 (1), pp.71-89.
- (1959) "Type and eidos in Husserl's late philosophy", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (2), pp.147-165.
- (1962) Collected papers I: The problem of social reality (edited by Natanson Maurice), Den Haag, Nijhoff.
- (1962) Collected papers II: Studies in social theory (edited by Brodersen Arvid), Den Haag, Nijhoff.
- (1966) Collected papers III: Studies in phenomenological philosophy (edited by Schutz Ilse), Den Haag, Nijhoff.
- (1966) "Some leading concepts of phenomenology", in: Natanson Maurice (ed), Essays in phenomenology, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp.23-39.
- (1967) The phenomenology of the social world, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press.
- (1970) "Concept and theory formation in the social sciences", in: Emmet Dorothy; MacIntyre Alasdair (ed), Sociological theory and philosophical analysis, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.1-19.
- (1970) Reflections on the problem of relevance (edited by Zaner Richard), New Haven, Yale University Press.
- (1970) "The problem of rationality in the social world", in: Emmet Dorothy; MacIntyre Alasdair (ed), Sociological theory and philosophical analysis, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.89-114.
- (1971) Das Problem der sozialen Wirklichkeit (edited by Schutz Ilse), Den Haag, Nijhoff.
- (1971) "Einige Grundbegriffe der Phänomenologie", in: Alfred Schütz, Das Problem der sozialen Wirklichkeit, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. 113-135.
- (1971) "Husserls Bedeutung für die Sozialwissenschaften", in: Alfred Schütz, Das Problem der sozialen Wirklichkeit, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. 162-173.
- (1971) "Phänomenologie und die Sozialwissenschaften", in: Alfred Schütz, Das Problem der sozialen Wirklichkeit, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. 136-161.
- (1972) "Choice and the social sciences", in: Embree Lester (ed), Lifeworld and consciousness: Essays for Aron Gurwitsch, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press, pp.n/a.
- (1972) "Edmund Husserl, Cartesianische Meditationen und Pariser Vorträge", in: Alfred Schütz, Studien zur phänomenologischen Philosophie, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. 220-222.
- (1972) "Edmund Husserls "Ideen", Band II", in: , pp. 47-73.
- (1972) "Edmund Husserls "Ideen", Band II", in: Alfred Schütz, Studien zur phänomenologischen Philosophie, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. 47-73.
- (1972) "Phänomenologie und die Grundlegung der Sozialwissenschaften (Edmund Husserls Ideen III)", in: , pp. 74-85.
- (1972) "Phänomenologie und die Grundlegung der Sozialwissenschaften (Edmund Husserls Ideen III)", in: Alfred Schütz, Studien zur phänomenologischen Philosophie, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. 74-85.
- (1972) Studien zur phänomenologischen Philosophie (edited by Schutz Ilse), Den Haag, Nijhoff.
- (1972) Studien zur soziologischen Theorie, Dordrecht, Springer.
- (1972) "Typos und Eidos in Husserls Spätphilosophie", in: , pp. 127-152.
- (1972) "Typos und Eidos in Husserls Spätphilosophie", in: Alfred Schütz, Studien zur phänomenologischen Philosophie, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. 127-152.
- with Luckmann Thomas (1973) The structure of the life world, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press.
- (1977) "Alltagswissen und Lebenswelt", Grazer Philosophische Studien 3, pp.185-200.
- (1977) "Husserl and his influence on me", Annals of phenomenological sociology 2, pp.41-44.
- (1977) "Husserl and his influence on me", The Annals of Phenomenological Sociology 2, pp.40-44.
- (1977) "Husserl and his influence on me", in: Ihde Don; Zaner Richard (ed), Interdisciplinary phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.124-129.
- with Parsons Talcott (1977) Zur Theorie sozialen Handelns (edited by Sprondel Walter), Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.
- with Parsons Talcott (1978) The theory of social action: The correspondence of AlFred Schutz and Talcott Parsons (edited by Grathoff Richard), Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press.
- with Gurwitsch Aron (1985) Briefwechsel 1939-1959 (edited by Grathoff Richard), München, Fink.
- with Gurwitsch Aron (1989) Philosophers in exile: The correspondence of Alfred Schutz and Aron Gurwitsch 1939-1959 (edited by Grathoff Richard), Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press.
- (1996) "A scholar of multiple involvements: Felix Kaufmann", in: Alfred Schütz, Collected papers IV, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.134-139.
- (1996) Collected papers IV (edited by Helmut R Wagner; George Psathas; Frederick Kersten; ), Dordrecht, Kluwer.
- (2003) Theorie der Lebenswelt I: Die pragmatische Schichtung der Lebenswelt (edited by Endreß Martin, Srubar Ilja), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2003) Theorie der Lebenswelt II: Die kommunikative Ordnung der Lebenswelt (edited by Knoblauch Hubert, Kurt Ronald, Soeffner Hans-Georg), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2004) Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt: Eine Einleitung in die verstehende Soziologie (edited by Endreß Martin, Renn Joachim), Konstanz, UVK.
- with Voegelin Eric (2004) Eine Freundschaft die ein Leben ausgehalten hat: Briefwechsel 1938-1959 (edited by Wagner Gerhard, Weiss Gilbert), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2004) "Positivistic philosophy and the actual approach of interpretative social science: An ineditum of AlFred Schutz from spring 1953", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy III: Science, art, and ethics, London, Routledge, pp.119-145.
- (2004) Relevanz und Handeln I: Zur Phänomenologie des Alltagswissens (edited by List Elisabeth), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2004) "Sartre's theory of the alter ego", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy V: The heritage of phenomenology, London, Routledge, pp.309-327.
- (2004) "The problem of transcendental intersubjectivity in Husserl", in: Embree Lester, Moran Dermot (ed), Phenomenology: Critical concepts in philosophy II: Themes and issues, London, Routledge, pp.143-178.
- (2005) Philosophisch-phänomenologische Schriften II: Studien zu Scheler, James und Sartre (edited by Kellner Hansfried, Renn Joachim), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2007) Sinn und Zeit: Frühe Wiener Arbeiten und Entwürfe (edited by Michailow Matthias), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2009) Philosophisch-phänomenologische Schriften I: Zur Kritik der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls (edited by Sebald Gerd), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2010) "Problems of a sociology of language (fall semester, 1958)", Schutzian Research 2, pp.61-105.
- (2010) "Problems of a sociology of language (fall semester, 1958) - preface and introduction", Schutzian Research 2, pp.53-60.
- (2010) "The problem of transcendental intersubjectivity in Husserl", Schutzian Research 2, pp.13-43.
- (2010) Zur Methodologie der Sozialwissenschaft (edited by Dreher Jochen, Eberle Thomas S, Sebald Gerd), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2011) Collected papers V: Phenomenology and the social sciences (edited by Embree Lester), Dordrecht, Springer.
- (2011) Relevanz und Handeln II: Fremdheit, Gesellschaftliches Wissen, Politik (edited by Göttlich Andreas, Sebald Gerd, Weyand Jan), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2013) Collected papers VI: Literary reality and relationships (edited by Barber Michael), Dordrecht, Springer.
- (2013) "Fragment of a phenomenology of rhythm", Schutzian Research 5, pp.11-22.
- (2013) Schriften zur Literatur (edited by Barber Michael, Dreher Jochen), Konstanz, UVK.
- (2014) Life forms and meaning structure, London, Routledge.
- (2016) Schriften zur Musik (edited by Stascheit Andreas Georg, Sebald Gerd), Konstanz, UVK.
- with Banchetti Marina Paola (2016) "Schutz's contribution to a philosophical dialogue at the Royaumont conference in 1957", Schutzian Research 8, pp.13-15.
- (in print) Strukturen der Lebenswelt (edited by Endreß Martin), Konstanz, UVK.
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