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Véronique Fóti
with Kontos Pavlos (2017) Phenomenology and the primacy of the political: Essays in honor of Jacques Taminiaux, Dordrecht, Springer.
(2020) Merleau-Ponty at the gallery: questioning art beyond his reach, Albany, SUNY Press.
(2001) "Imaging the invisible: Heidegger's meditation", Research Resources Paper 42, pp.150-165.
(2010) "From an agonistic of powers to deferred homecomings: Heidegger, Sophocles, and Hölderlin", in: Vandevelde Pol (ed), Phenomenology and literature: Historical perspectives and systematic accounts, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, pp.77-92.
(1998) "Heidegger and "the way of art": the empty origin and contemporary abstraction", Continental Philosophy Review 31 (4), pp.337-351.
(1985) "Representation and the image: between Heidegger, Derrida, and Plato", Man and World 18 (1), pp.65-78.
(2017) "Nature, art, and the primacy of the political: reading Taminiaux with Merleau-Ponty", in: Fóti Véronique, Kontos Pavlos (ed), Phenomenology and the primacy of the political: Essays in honor of Jacques Taminiaux, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.219-232.
(1999) "Merleau-Ponty's vertical genesis and the aristotelian powers of the soul", in: Burt C. Hopkins (ed), Phenomenology: japanese and american perspectives, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.39-58.
(1988) "Merleau-Ponty on silence and the work of philosophy", in: Hugh J. Silverman; Algis Mickunas; Alphonso Lingis; Theodore Kisiel; (ed), The horizons of continental philosophy: essays on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.272-288.
(2014) "Neither pure nascency nor mortality: crossing-out absolutes in the event of presencing", Chiasmi International 16, pp.315-322.
(2009) "Expression, alterity, and the philosophy of nature in Merleau-Ponty's dialogue with the rationalists", Chiasmi International 11, pp.279-290.
(2008) "Rethinking Parmenides in dialogue with Reiner Schürmann", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 29 (2), pp.115-127.
(1986) "Presence and memory: Derrida, Freud, Plato, Descartes", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 11 (1), pp.67-81.
(1983) "The political philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, by Sonia Kruks", Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 9 (2), pp.170-172.
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