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Dallas Willard
(1964) Meaning and universals in Husserls Logische Untersuchungen, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press.
(1984) Logic and the objectivity of knowledge: a study in Husserl's early philosophy, Athens, OH, Ohio University Press.
with Smith Barry (1997) "British moral theory", in: Embree Lester (ed), Encyclopedia of phenomenology, Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer, pp.81-85.
(1970) "Perceptual realism", Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 1 (3), pp.75-84.
(1989) "On discovering the difference between Husserl and Frege", in: Kaelin Eugene F, Schrag Calvin (ed), American phenomenology: Origins and developments, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.393-397.
(2002) Review: , , Husserl Studies 18 (1), pp.77-81.
(1995) "Is Derrida's view of ideal being rationally defensible?", in: Evans J Claude (ed), Derrida and phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.23-41.
(1992) "Finding the noema", in: Drummond John; Embree Lester (ed), The phenomenology of the noema, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.29-47.
(1991) "Sentences which are true in virtue of their color", in: Thomas M. Seebohm; Dagfinn Føllesdal; J. N. Mohanty; (ed), Phenomenology and the formal sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.225-242.
(2002) "The world well won: Husserl's epistemic realism one hundred years later", in: Zahavi Dan, Stjernfelt Frederik (ed), One hundred years of phenomenology: Husserl’s Logical investigations revisited, Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp.69-78.
(1994) "The integrity of the mental act: Husserlian reflections on a fregian problem", in: Haaparanta Leila (ed), Mind, meaning and mathematics: essays on the philosophical views of Husserl and Frege, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.235-262.
(1972) "The paradox of logical psychologism: Husserl's way out", American philosophical quarterly 9, pp.94-100.
(1974) "Concerning Husserl's view of number", Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5 (3), pp.97-109.
(1977) "Four essays published by Edmund Husserl in the 1890's", The Personalist 58, pp.295-296.
(1979) "Husserl's critique of extensionalist logic: "A logic that does not understand itself"", Idealistic studies 9, pp.143-164.
(1981) "Introduction", in: Husserl Edmund, Shorter works, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 148-151.
(1981) "Introduction to "On the concept of number"", in: Husserl Edmund, Shorter works, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 86-91.
(1981) Review: Husserl Edmund, Aufsätze und Rezensionen, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 12, pp.275-277.
(1982) "Wholes, parts and the objectivity of knowledge", in: Smith Barry (ed), Parts and moments: Studies in logic and formal ontology, München, Philosophia, pp.379-400.
(1989) "The concept of number", in: Mohanty Jithendra Nath, McKenna William R (ed), Husserl's phenomenology: A textbook, Washington DC, University Press of America, pp. 4-27.
(1990) "Husserl on a logic that failed", The Philosophical Review 89, pp.46-64.
(1994) "The integrity of the mental act: Husserlian reflections on a Fregean problem", in: Haaparanta Leila (ed), Mind, meaning and mathematics: essays on the philosophical views of Husserl and Frege, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.235-262.
(1995) "Knowledge", in: Smith Barry; Smith David Woodruff (ed), The Cambridge companion to Husserl, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 138-167.
(1991) "Verso una teoria fenomenologica della vérità come corrispondenza", Discipline Filosofiche 2, pp.125-147.
(1997) "Degradation of logical form", Axiomathes 8 (1-3), pp.31-52.
(1994) "Mereological essentialism restricted", Axiomathes 5 (1), pp.123-144.
(1977) "The paradox of logical psychologism: Husserl's way out", in: Mohanty Jithendra Nath (ed), Readings on Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp.43-54.
(2016) "Knowledge", in: Smith Barry; Smith David Woodruff (ed), The Cambridge companion to Husserl, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 138-167.
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