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entities in somebody's mental content. Furthermore, Brouwer's overall negative appraisal of logic is replaced by a much more liberal stance that allows for investigations of the logic of intuitionistic mathematics. There is a considerable shift of attitude towards philosophy as well. Heyting claims that "no philosophy is needed to understand intuitionistic mathematics" and that intuitionistic mathematics is simpler than any philosophy. (1974, p. 79) He therefore does not attempt to justify the intuitionistic revision philosophically. The superiority of intuitionistic mathematics is argued on the grounds of its simplicity, higher subtlety or even its independence from controversial philosophical assumptions. As a result of these changes, much of the militant spirit that was associated with Brouwer's attack on classical mathematics is gone. They also suggest that coming to Heyting's arguments for intuitionism is like entering a new landscape. Let us study it in more detail." />
pp. 103-146
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