Urinterpretationen" (original hereditary interpretation schemata) which are biologically, even possibly genetically fixed; others are variable as regarding the different levels and types of interpretation. Important however is to distinguish between what is accepted as ontologically basic and what is only methodological-epistemological. This is all the more decisive for the problems of realism—or different realisms, i.e., for the conception of reality and what is called "real" (be it "in itself" and independent of humans or be it "real" in a secondary, e.g., socio-cultural or even virtual, sense). Any direct recognitional "grasping" whatsoever is also interpretational. "Reality in itself" is then only indirectly recognized in the sense of methodologically "entangled" systems potentials." /> A scheme-interpretationist and actionistic scientific realism - Lenk Hans | sdvig press

A scheme-interpretationist and actionistic scientific realism

Hans Lenk

pp. 257-276

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